
JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, will encourage the issue of Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) at the 42nd ASEAN Summit in Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara.

As is known, Indonesia serves as Chair of ASEAN 2023 whose peak event will be held in Labuan Bajo on May 9-11, 2023. The ASEAN Summit will be attended by heads of state/government, parliamentary leaders, and the ranks of ministries involved.

In its chairmanship in ASEAN, Indonesia has the theme ASEAN Epicentrum of Growth which means ASEAN is relevant and important as a center of growth.

Puan plans to arrive tonight in Labuan Bajo accompanied by a delegation of the Indonesian House of Representatives at the ASEAN Summit in her capacity as the leader of the Indonesian parliament with the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) which is a parliamentary forum for ASEAN countries.

Puan will raise issues regarding the protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) considering the many violence received by PMIs in the countries where they work, especially PMIs who work in the domestic sector.

"We cannot fight alone to solve cross-border problems, of course there must be collaboration between countries in order to obtain effective solutions. Because PMI is often a victim of trafficking in persons carried out by irresponsible persons," said Puan, Monday, May 8.

According to Bung Karno's grandson, the ASEAN Summit is the right forum to raise the issue of protecting migrant workers and cases of the crime of trafficking in persons (TPPO). Moreover, said Puan, many PMIs work in ASEAN countries.

"With open dialogue with parliamentary forums throughout Southeast Asia, I hope there will be certainty from PMI destination countries so that this polemic is not sustainable. Because so far, the government has had difficulties if there are citizens who become victims to provide protection," he continued.

Puan said that the issue of protecting PMI and TIP must be an international concern because it is increasingly prevalent. PMI victims due to violence and TIP also continue to grow.

Most recently, a PMI from Banyuwangi, East Java, who worked as a Household Assistant (ART) became a victim of acts of violence and exploitation in Malaysia by his employer. Not only that, as many as 20 Indonesian citizens became victims of human trafficking or TIP in Myanmar with a job offer mode.

"The DPR RI will also encourage increased awareness of the human rights of Indonesian migrant workers through campaigns and educational programs carried out jointly by ASEAN countries," said Puan.

Puan also highlighted the large number of women and children who were victims of human trafficking. Therefore, he will intensify encouragement to ASEAN countries to pay more attention to this problem. This is because the issue of women is also an international agenda that must be worked on together.

The PMI problem is inseparable from the issue of protection against women and children because many of them are victims. This should be more of a concern because the issue of protecting women and children is also a target for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or sustainable development goals," explained Puan.

Not only the issue of PMI and protection for women and children, the Indonesian House of Representatives will also oversee various issues on the agenda of the 42nd ASEAN Summit. These include the preparation of a post-2025 vision, developments in Myanmar, post-pandemic economic recovery, strengthening of health architecture in the region and outside the region as well as the signing of the Australian-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement (AANZFTA).

"As members of parliament, we are ready to provide political support and work with our ASEAN colleagues to deal with these difficult times and build a more agile ASEAN," said Puan.

"The parliament wants to contribute to various issues discussed at the ASEAN Summit this time," added the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

In addition, Puan ensures AIPA's commitment with ASEAN to increase its capacity in responding to various regional and global challenges. As well as strengthening its position as the epicenter of regional economic growth for the prosperity of its people.

AIPA is mandated to promote solidarity, understanding, cooperation, and close relations among ASEAN Member States. It serves as a platform for us, ASEAN member parliament, to carry out our parliamentary diplomacy functions, including sharing perspectives and exploring new ways to strengthen cooperation in various fields, "said Puan.

In addition to participating in the ASEAN Summit series, Puan will also carry out a number of activities in Labuan Bajo, NTB. Such as the Parliamentary Prepatory Meeting with AIPA members, and a courtesy call with several ASEAN state leaders. Puan will also hold a meeting with the Secretary General of AIPA, Siti Rozamimeriyanty Haji Abdul Rahman.

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