
Thousands of students from the Al Badri Islamic Boarding School, Krajan, Gumuksari Jember lined neatly along the road to the hut. They dressed neatly, carrying red roses on their hands. Hot weather did not stop them from standing on the side of the road. While talking, they talked about the figure of Ganjar Pranowo, the PDIP presidential candidate who that day, Sunday 7 May, will visit the Islamic boarding school. "I'll take a photo later, I'll give Mr. Ganjar the interest. I'm nervous, Mr. Ganjar is very handsome The question is, "the story of several female students. They were excited when they heard Ganjar's entourage came. After going to the residence of the caretaker of the Al Badri Islamic Boarding School, KH Hafiz Habibullah and KH Mahfud Habibullah, Ganjar who was accompanied by his wife, Siti Atikoh immediately walked to the halal bihalal event and the gathering of scholars throughout East Java in the hut. "Mr. Ganjar came, let's all be ready. Later, don't forget to take a photo, so that there are memories. This is a red rose sign of our love for the father," they said. As soon as Ganjar's entourage arrived, they were fighting to greet Ganjar while giving red roses. Ganjar was overwhelmed to the point of receiving red roses from thousands of students. "Pak Ganjar, salam sir. Sir, I want to take a photo with you, sir. I'm very much a fan of you," they shouted. Ganjar accompanied and served their photos. Ganjar thanked him for the enthusiastic welcome. He also received all the roses given by the students. "Thank you, always healthy. Always study well here," said Ganjar. Not only in Ganjar the streets, it turned out that thousands of other students and scholars, Mrs. Nyai throughout East Java, had gathered at the event location. As soon as Ganjar arrived, the atmosphere was immediately lively. Salawat accompanied by the screams of 'Ganjar Presiden' echoed in that place. There were also female students who enthusiastically welcomed. They brought encouraging writings for Ganjar. Like 'Pak Ganjar, We Love You', 'Pak Ganjar Saranghae', 'Pak Ganjar Jaya', 'Pak Ganjar Fighter' and others.Pansuh Ponpes Al Badri, KH Hafiz Habibullah prayed Ganjar and his wife are always healthy. He also prayed for Ganjar to become president and bring Indonesia even more victorious. "Welcome to Al Badri Islamic Boarding School, Mr. Ganjar. Hopefully you are healthy and successful always. Let's pray for Mr. Ganjar, let's be president and bring this nation even more advanced," he said. In his remarks, Ganjar said he was very honored by the acceptance of the people of East Java, especially from the Islamic boarding school. While in East Java both in Surabaya, Pasuruan and in Surabaya. Jember, Ganjar met with a number of scholars and gained a lot of knowledge.

"I was given advice, advice and stories about the contribution of scholars to the country. I thank you and did not expect the welcome to be extraordinary," said Ganjar. He hopes that this momentum will always be a gathering event. So that when Ganjar gets the mandate, he will not forget and return to meet scholars in East Java. "Hopefully we meet in a healthy condition, and the younger students who are present, have become great children who have high achievements. Continue to learn, complete religious knowledge with general knowledge and skills. My greetings to the family," he concluded.

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