
AMBON - To maintain food security and prevent stunting, Maluku Governor Murad Ismail spread 1,500 tilapia seeds in Wailete village, Buru Regency, Maluku Province.

"Today we will distribute 1,500 fish seeds out of 8,000 fish seeds that have been prepared for Buru Regency," he said in Buru Regency, Maluku, Saturday.

In addition to maintaining local food security, the spread of tilapia fish seeds is also a form of utilization of Wailete Village as a water ecotourism area.

In its report, the village head of Wailete, Aam Purnama, said that the water source from the Waetele dam irrigated 1,000 hectares of rice fields in Waetele and Waestrass villages.

In addition, the spread of the freshwater tilapia fish seeds can also help local residents in the cultivation of freshwater fishery products.

Moreover, the price of fish in Wailete Village, Waeapo District, Buru Regency itself is still relatively expensive.

"This tilapia fish is a source of animal protein as a prevention of stunting," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, May 6.

Meanwhile, the Chairperson of the Maluku Province TP-PKK, Widya Pratiwi Murad, in his remarks said that the consumption of tilapia for pregnant women and children is one of the steps to prevent stunting.

"Prevention of stunting is not only through nutritious food consumption, but also needs to be remembered that a healthy environment must be maintained. With natural conditions, fertile soil and fish cultivation here are extraordinary, it is also an effort to prevent stunting that has been carried out, but posyandu and PKK cadres must also be routine to provide services," he explained.

It is hoped that the local community can utilize and cultivate tilapia fish to fulfill nutrition and protein during the growth period of children and pregnant women.*

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