
JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Home Affairs (Wamendagri), Jhon Wempi Wetipo sued Pondok Indah Hospital (RSPI) to the South Jakarta District Court. Public Relations Officer of the South Jakarta District Court, Djuyamto, confirmed that the lawsuit was officially registered with register number 393/Pdt.G/2023/PN.Jkt.Sel dated April 28, 2023.

The lawsuit was filed because the name Jhon Wempi was quoted in the certificate of birth as the father of a baby who was born to a woman with the initials VJ.

"The Petitioner sued the defendant because the defendant issued a Certificate of Birth with the Plaintiff's Letter Kop which included the plaintiff as the father of a baby born to a woman (VJ)," said Djuyamto in a short message, Thursday, May 4.

Furthermore, Djuyamto explained that later the letter was used by VJ to carry out subpoenas and threats to the Deputy Minister of Home Affairs.

"Where the letter was then used by Veronica Jenifer to carry out subpoenas, threats against the plaintiff, as plaintiffs, they felt disturbed. The plaintiff requested that the panel of judges declare null and void by the law of the Certificate," he continued.

Djuyamto said that the inaugural trial of the lawsuit will be held on Monday, May 15, 2023, with the Chief Justice of the Panel of Judges, Samuel Ginting.

"The first trial is Monday 15 May 2023 with the Chairman of the Samuel Ginting Assembly," he said.

Meanwhile, Public Relations of RSPI, Septiany Utami Dewi admitted that she had not received the lawsuit. However, his party will study the lawsuit filed at the South Jakarta District Court.

"Hotok Indah Hospital will immediately study the lawsuit after receiving the letter officially from the relevant agency (and) will always be cooperative in accordance with applicable regulations," he concluded.

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