
The Mayor of Medan, North Sumatra, Bobby Nasution reminded the importance of drainage in the construction of two alleys (underpass) which was built by costing around Rp400 billion in June 2023 so as not to cause puddles when it rains.

"The construction of this hallway uses the APBD. That's why how to make sure the drainage is there and functions properly so that there is no puddle of water when it rains," Bobby said in Medan as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 3.

The mayor said it was necessary to maturate the concept of drainage flow, both underpasses built on Jalan HM Yamin intersection Jalan Jawa and Jalan Juanda intersection Brigadier General Katamso.

His party does not want these two underpasses to be a new problem, especially puddles when it rains in the capital city of North Sumatra Province.

The presence of the two underground roads must really provide benefits for the people of Medan City, especially overcoming congestion.

"Therefore, the flow of drainage is necessary for the maturation of the concept," said Bobby.

The mayor of Medan also explained that his party had informed various relevant stakeholders, both directly and not in this area.

"In the process, of course, support and collaboration from fellow stakeholders (stakeholders) is needed," he explained.

In addition, the Medan City Government will build an overpass (crossing bridge) around Merdeka Square or to be precise in front of the Medan Railway Station.

It is known, in the picture displayed by the consultant, it can be seen that the Medan Railway Station is more organized, because it is integrated with Trans Metro Deli public transportation.

"Overall, I welcome the concept and development planning proposed by this consultant," said the Mayor of Medan.

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