
The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) appealed to people on the southern coast of Central Java and the Special Region (DI) of Yogyakarta to be aware of the potential for tidal or coastal flooding on May 5-11, 2023.

"Based on data released by the Central BMKG, the potential for this tidal wave is due to the phenomenon of the full moon phase on May 5 which has the potential to increase the maximum sea level," said BMKG weather analyst at the Tunggul Wulung Meteorological Station in Cilacap Rendi Krisnawan in Cilacap, Central Java, Wednesday, May 3, confiscated by Antara.

On the other hand, he said, on May 5-6 there was a phenomenon of penumbra's lunar eclipse which resulted in the moon looking fainter.

According to him, the penumbral lunar eclipse occurs when the position of the moon, sun, and earth are aligned, where the moon only enters the shadow of the earth's penumbra (dark shadow, ed.).

"As a result, when the peak of the eclipse occurs, the moon will look fainter than the full moon," he said.

He said based on data on the forecast for tides, especially on the southern coast of Cilacap Regency, the maximum tide on Friday 5 May reached 1.9 meters at 08.00-09.00 WIB, while on Saturday 6 May it was 1.8 meters high at 08.00-09.00 WIB.

On the other hand, he said, the wave height in the southern waters of Central Java-DI Yogyakarta in that period is predicted to be around 1.25-2.5 meters which is in the moderate category, so the impact of rob on the southern coast of Central Java-DI Yogyakarta is predicted to be relatively small.

According to him, the tidal wave will usually have an impact on the southern coast of Central Java-DI Yogyakarta if the sea waves are in the high category, it can also be due to heavy rain.

However, with the phenomenon of penumbral lunar eclipses, he continued, the BMKG issued an early warning of the potential for tidal waves on the southern coast of Central Java-DI Yogyakarta because the lunar eclipse could also result in a higher maximum tide considering that tides are an interaction of the gravitational attraction between the earth, moon and sun.

Even after the penumbral lunar eclipse phenomenon, the maximum tide in the southern waters of Cilacap Regency was high again because it was still influenced by the full moon phase, namely on Sunday, May 7, it was estimated that it would reach 2.1 meters at 09.00-10.00 WIB.

Furthermore, on May 8-9, it is estimated that it will reach 2.2 meters at 10.00 WIB, Wednesday, May 10, it is estimated that 2.1 meters at 11.00 WIB, and Thursday, May 11, it is estimated that 1.9 meters will be estimated at 11.00-12.00 WIB.

Meanwhile, on May 9-12 2023, said Rendi, the wave height of 2.5-4 meters that is categorized as high has the potential to occur in the southern waters of Central Java-DI Yogyakarta.

"Early warning, this tidal potential is issued so that people on the southern coast of Central Java-DI Yogyakarta are vigilant and take anticipatory steps. We will immediately inform the public if there are further developments related to the potential for high waves," he said.

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