Bogor City Government will close Jalan Otto Iskandardinata (Otista) for 8 months due to the construction of the Otista Bridge on the road. The closure of Jalan Otista Bogor started tonight, Monday at 21.00 WIB. As a result of this closure, a number of roads in Bogor City will be traffic engineering. Not only traffic flow, school entry hours for the TK/PAUD, SD, and SMP levels in Bogor City were also changed, from 07.00 WIB to 08.00 WIB. This temporary policy is valid from 2-9 May 2023. "To anticipate delays in students entering schools at normal hours and for adaptation of new traffic systems, then the school entry hours are changed," said Head of the Bogor City Education Office (Disdik), Sujatmiko Baliarto, Wednesday, May 5. He predicts that the impact of Otista road closure starting May 1, 2023, there will be a slowdown due to the selection of adjustment of road user routes, traffic control pattern arrangements by officers on the road network system in Bogor City. "Similarly, to be taken into account and implemented properly," he said. Bogor Mayor Bima Arya Sugiarto said previously, it was agreed that the Otista Bridge would be closed starting at 21.00 WIB, Monday, May 1," Bima Arya told reporters.
Even so, Bima Arya explained, before the closure of the Otista Bridge in Bogor City was carried out, the results of an agreement with Muspida that the closure of Jalan Otista began at 21.00 WIB. "We agreed to close starting at night because it is estimated that on Monday there will still be an inflow to Bogor City, both homecoming and long holidays which may still enter until the afternoon," said Bima.
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