
TERNATE - Chairman of the Regional Leadership Council (DPW) of the North Maluku National Mandate Party (PAN), Iskandar Idrus, resigned from his position after his name was crossed out from the prospective legislative candidate (Babileg) of the North Maluku electoral district.

"My attitude personally states that I have resigned from the Chairman of the North Maluku PAN DPW and I have officially conveyed this attitude in the form of a resignation statement which I have submitted directly to the General Chairperson of the PANZulkifli Hasan DPP on Sunday (30/4) afternoon at 14.00 WIB at the Widya Candra Complex, Jakarta," he said at a press conference held at the North Maluku PAN DPW office in Ternate, reported by ANTARA, Monday, May 1.

Iskandar Idrus officially submitted the resignation to the Chairman of the PAN DPP Zulkifli Hasan in the form of a signature resignation letter signed by matera.

There are two reasons why he chose to resign, namely first, not accommodated by Ketum Zulkifli Hasan in the DPR's legislative list in the 2024 General Election from three names that were accommodated, namely former two-term DPD member Abdurahman Lahabato, former Regent of North Halmahera Regency for two periods and Nita Budi Susanti, wife (late) Sultan Ternate to - 48 Mudaffar Sjah.

The second reason is the name Nita Budi Susanti, which is accommodated on the DPR's leg reading list.

According to Iskandar, the entry of Nita Budi Susanti is feared to have political instability, especially in Ternate City, regarding the frequent pros and cons of Nita Budi Susanti in the internal Sultanate of Ternate.

"I can't imagine if Nita Budi Susanti was still here, it could disrupt political stability in the city of Ternate," he said.

Therefore Iskandar does not want to involve himself in the conflict in the Sultanate. So it is better to choose to resign than remain the chairman of the North Maluku PAN DPW.

He explained that a year ago he was promised to advance and be in the composition of the leg, but in fact he did not, even though it had been almost a year intensively consolidating through the mass media and social media, but suddenly it was conveyed that he was not included as a competitor for the leg of the DPR.

"In my opinion, the DPP decision contradicts what was conveyed a year ago. In particular, I personally have been asked to move by means of consolidation to the grassroots, then suddenly it was canceled unilaterally, so I believe this decision is against my principles, so I decided to resign," he said.

The PAN DPP, he said, instead asked him to return to participate in provincial-level DPRD candidates. In fact, according to Iskandar, twice being a member of the North Maluku DPR is enough to maintain political regeneration so that it continues to grow.

"Maybe in the remaining time I have a contemplation of spending time with my family and also I will focus on working as a member of the North Maluku Provincial DPRD," said IskandarIdrus.

Meanwhile, to fill the vacancy for the chairman of the North Maluku DPWPAN, the Secretary of the North Maluku PAN DPW, Zamrud Wahab, was positioned as the temporary executor while waiting for the appointment of Plt DPW PAN Maluku from the PAN DPP.

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