
Pangdam Pangdam XVII/Cenderawasih Major General TNI Muhammad Saleh Mustafa received six firearms (senpi) resulting from the raising of the former Armed Criminal Group (KKB) in the Keerom Regency, Papua Province, Lambert Pekik and Lazarus Karoba.

TNI Major General Muhammad Saleh Mustafa in Keerom, Monday, May 1, said six firearms raised from the former KKB in the Keerom area had been carried out since 2022.

"We ask groups that are still different from the Pancasila ideology to immediately hand over weapons and return to the fold of the Republic of Indonesia because Papua is Indonesia," he said, quoted by Antara.

According to the Pangdam, his party invited the KKB to stop the violent resistance using firearms and then return to being a good Indonesian citizen and filling development in Papua.

"Let's change the view that still contradicts the Pancasila ideology and replace it by building its own territory," said Muhammad Saleh Mustafa.

Meanwhile, Keerom Regent Piter Gusbager said that now the area is a peaceful area, especially local indigenous peoples who have also rejected armed violence.

"This indicates that we want to build a better Keerom Regency and that people can live safely and comfortably," he said.

According to him, the peace agreement also represents a peace agreement for Papua's land because the young generation in the area want to settle for a brighter future.

"We don't want the situation that used to happen again in the future so that children in Keerom Regency can realize the ideals they dream of," he said.

The former KKB for the Keerom area, Lambert Pekikr, said that his party invites the younger generation of Papua today to prioritize peace because only with peace can development on the Earth of Cenderawasih be created.

"In the past, there was resistance against the Republic of Indonesia from Keerom so that peace was also from Keerom and we asked all parties to prioritize peaceful dialogue and not use weapons," he said.

For your information, the firearms handed over include one FN-46 pistol made in Belgium (an ambulance of eight rounds of nine mm caliber) and one magazine, one shot of a German-made Walther pistol, six rounds of ammunition, nine mm caliber and one magazine.

One 8 mm M1 Caribbean Kaliber rifle made by USA and four magazines and 236 rounds of ammunition, one U.S.-type rifle measuring a BIBOLT model 700 made by USA, one magazine and three rounds of three-mm caliber ammunition and two short and long-barreled dampers.

Then one 8 mm M1 Caribbean Kaliber rifle made by USA, 2 18 rounds of magazine and ammunition and one M1 Caribbean 8 mm rifle made by USA, 1 magazine and eight rounds of ammunition.

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