
JAKARTA - The presidential candidate (candidate) from the PDI-P (PDIP) Ganjar Pranowo will only go around during holidays. However, he made sure to stay focused on serving as Governor of Central Java.

"Because I am still governor, I must be able to distinguish between time and function," said Ganjar to reporters at the PDIP DPP Office, Jalan Diponegoro, Central Jakarta, Sunday, April 30.

Ganjar gave an example, this weekend he had stopped by the PDIP DPD during a visit to Makassar.

"And yesterday he went to Banten and was also greeted with DPD," he said.

Furthermore, on the next holiday, Ganjar will travel to East Java. However, he has not specified the exact time. However, Ganjar confirmed that this activity was intended to consolidate and meet with the community.

"God willing, later to East Java with the DPD, so we will concentrate on consolidating parties, there must be a group of people asking to be visited," he said.

Previously, the Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto said Ganjar Pranowo remained focused on carrying out his duties as Governor of Central Java even though he had become a presidential candidate. The figure of this white-haired man will not do safaris every day to meet the community.

"We are obedient, Mr. Ganjar is still serving as Governor of Central Java," Hasto told reporters at the PDIP DPP Office, Jalan Diponegoro, Central Jakarta, Thursday, April 27.

Hasto said Ganjar would only travel for two days a week to meet the community. This activity is mandatory because he must absorb aspirations after being appointed as a presidential candidate from PDIP.

"On Saturday-Sunday, we will carry out activities as presidential candidates that have been determined by the PDIP. This communication must be with the people so that the people are involved," he said.

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