
YOGYAKARTA - After Ganjar Pranowo was officially promoted by PDIP as the 2024 presidential candidate, various names were juxtaposed as his deputy. The figure of West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil also joined as Ganjar's pair in the presidential election next year. What are the opportunities for the Ganjar-Ridwan Kamil duo?

Ridwan Kamil is included in the list of 7 candidates named by President Jokowi who are suitable to accompany Ganjar Pranowo. The seven names are Mahfud MD, Sandiaga Uno, Erick Thohir, Ridwan Kamil, Prabowo Subianto, Airlangga Hartarto, and Cak Imin.

Ridwan Kamil himself is currently a cadre of the Golkar Party. The man who is familiarly called Kang Emil stated that he respects the attitude of the party that has decided Airlangga Hartarto as a candidate for the 2024 presidential candidate.

The discourse on installing Ganjar Pranowo and Ridwan Kamil as presidential and vice-presidential candidates in the 2024 General Election has actually been implemented for a long time, towards the end of 2022. Various survey institutions say Ridwan Kamil has a great opportunity to become a vice presidential candidate.

Yunarto Wijaya, Executive Director of Charta Politica, said Ridwan Kamil was suitable for a duet with Ganjar Pranowo to run in the 2024 presidential election. He said Ganjar's low vote in West Java could be covered with support for Ridwan Kamil.

Yunarto said the two could be the most stable couple because they could complement each other's vote base. From the results of the Charta Politica survey in 2022, Ridwan Kamil has high electability to overtake Sandiaga Uno's electability.

The Kompas Research and Development Survey mapped several figures who were predicted to be vice presidential candidates to accompany Ganjar Pranowo in the 2024 presidential election. Ridwan Kamil's name is included in Ganjar's potential list of vice presidential candidates.

From the survey results, Ridwan Kamil was able to gain quite high electability. The Governor of West Java was chosen by 16 percent of respondents to become Ganjar Pranowo's duo in the upcoming presidential election.

Although it is predicted that it will reap a lot of votes, the installation of Ganjar-Ridwan Kamil is considered to be able to hinder the movement of voter control. If the two are paired, the control area of voters is considered to be concentrated on the island of Java. Both Ganjar and Kang Emil are known to have the majority of support in Java.

From the results of the Kompas Research and Development survey conducted on January 25-4, 2023, it is known that the majority of Ganjar supporters are in Java, which is 64.1 percent. Meanwhile, outside Java, Ganjar received 35.9 percent support.

If you look at Ganjar's support in Java, most of them come from Central Java and DIY at 39.5 percent. Ganjar received support from other regions, namely East Java 28.5 percent, West Java 22.5 percent, DKI Jakarta 4.9 percent, and Banten 4.6 percent.

Ridwan Kamil also received the most support in Java, which was 63.0 percent. Meanwhile, the support for Ridwan Kamil outside Java is 37.0 percent.

The majority of Ridwan Kamil's voters on the island of Java came from West Java, which was 44 percent. In addition, Ridwan Kamil received support in Central Java and DIY at 22.0 percent, East Java 19.3 percent, DKI Jakarta 8.3 percent, and Banten 6.4 percent.

When weighted from the survey results, the installation of Ganjar-Ridwan Kamil actually has a positive value of political capital potential. Ridwan Kamil's vote was able to fill Ganjar's shortcomings, for example in West Java and Banten. Vice versa, both of them can complement each other to gain more voters.

When juxtaposing Ganjar Pranowo with Ridwan Kamil for the 2024 General Election, of course Kang Emil's position as a Golkar cadre needs to be highlighted. Ridwan Kamil joined Golkar and immediately received an important mandate as Deputy General Chair.

Ridwan Kamil's joining in Golkar is considered to have played a major role in increasing party electability. This is because Ridwan Kamil has proven to have high electability from the survey results of various survey institutions. In addition, his activeness on social media is also said to be able to bring in many votes.

But what about the discourse of pairing Ganjar Pranowo with Ridwan Kamil? In early 2023, political observer Hasan Nasbi assessed that the speculation of the Ganjar-RK duo through the coalition of parties and KIB could not be realized.

First, from the internal side, the Golkar Party has carried the name of the presidential candidate. Through the National Conference, Golkar decided to carry Airlangga Hartarto as a presidential candidate in the 2024 General Election. Ridwan Kamil as a Golkar cadre also firmly said he would respect the party's attitude.

Second, at that time Ganjar had not been officially promoted by PDIP as a presidential candidate. It is also impossible for Ganjar's speculation to advance through KIB because Ganjar is a cadre who is loyal and impossible to get out of PDIP.

That's a review of the opportunity for the Ganjar-Ridwan Kamil duet for the 2024 General Election. If measured from its electability, Ganjar-RK is indeed a couple who has a big vote and complements each other. However, from an organizational or party perspective, the installation of the two is considered impossible.

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