
YOGYAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) issued a new regulation regarding the working hours of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN). The regulation is contained in Presidential Decree number 21 of 2023 concerning Work Day and Work Hours of Government Agencies and State Civil Apparatus Employees. What are the rules for ASN's new working hours?

The rules for the new working hours of ASN are said to be more flexible, both in place and time. In the new provisions, ASN who work in the central and regional governments are only required to work for 5 days a week, from Monday to Friday. There is also an article that regulates the working hours of ASN in the month of Ramadan.

The regulation of the new ASN working hours was signed by President Jokowi on April 12, 2023. Because it was considered more mitigating, this new regulation was warmly welcomed by ASN.

The following are details of the new ASN working hours rules issued by President Jokowi in the Presidential Decree.

The provisions for the working day of government agencies are based on Article 3 of Presidential Decree number 21 of 2023. The article states the implementation of 5 working days in one week, namely Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.

The provisions for ASn working hours are contained in Article 4 in full. The working hours of ASN employees are set at 37 hours 30 minutes a week, not including rest hours. The time given for rest hours is 90 minutes every Friday. Apart from Friday, the rest hours are 60 minutes.

Meanwhile, for working hours in Ramadan, ASN employees are given 32 hours 30 minutes of working hours in one week and do not include rest hours. For rest hours in Ramadan, which is given 60 minutes of time every Friday. On days other than Friday, work hours are given for 30 minutes.

The working hours of ASN employees will start at 07.30 a.m. local time zone. Meanwhile, during Ramadan, working hours start at 08.00 a.m. local time zone. Keep in mind, based on Presidential Decree number 21 of 2023, the provisions of working days and working hours can be changed. Changes are made if there is a Presidential policy on national holidays, joint leave that is national in nature regulations, and policies in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations.

Meanwhile, based on Article 7, the provisions for working days and working hours are excluded for work units in government agencies whose duties and functions provide services in the form of operational support and directly to the community.

The rules for new working hours for ASN are more flexible in terms of place and time. In accordance with Article 8, ASN employees can carry out official duties flexibly including location and time flexible.

In this regulation, later the Personnel Guidance Officer (PPK) or the head of the agency will determine the type of work and ASN employees in the agency who can adapt the implementation of work flexibly in terms of location and time.

The new rules of the day and working hours of ASN do not apply to the following professions:

The Indonesian National Army (TNI), TNI Soldiers, and ASN employees in court environments who carry out government affairs in the defense sector and are assigned to the TNI

The Indonesian National Police (Polri) and members of the National Police as well as ASN employees within the National Police

Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia abroad and ASN employees in representatives of the Republic of Indonesia abroad.

Demikian informasi jam kerja baru ASN yang telah diterbitkan oleh Presiden Jokowi dalam Perpres nomor 21 tahun 2023. Aturan ini berlaku bagi ASN yang terdiri dari PNS serta pegawai pemerintah dengan perjanjian kerja (PPPK) baik di instansi pusat maupun daerah.

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