
BANDARLAMPUNG - Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy said that people who want to try their luck to the State Capital Jakarta must exist or prepare skills. "If people want to complain about their fate, they shouldn't be banned, go ahead but must have definite skills," said Muhadjir Effendy, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, April 25. He also suggested that those who want to find their luck in the opposite area must know exactly where they want to go and where they will be going and where they will work in the future. "Don't let the high expectations turn out to be problematic and turn out to be more comfortable in place of origin than looking for work in the opposite area," he said. He also said. Most, Muhadjir said that it had been proven in the industrial center area across the area that the unemployment rate was high and it did not come from the original population. "So the high unemployment rate in the industrial center area is not from the original population, but those who come with high speculation without any skills," he said again.

Of course, said Muhadjir, if this happens often it will burden their own family and the government very much, but once nothing can prohibit someone who wants to try their fate in the opposite area. "So once again, we can't prohibit it, but it's true what skills are calculated, what job goals are, what are the opportunities. It must be calculated right, don't let it become abandoned, because it's not as easy and what you might think," he said.

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