
Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo has officially become a presidential candidate (candidate) promoted by the PDI-P (PDIP). This announcement was made directly by PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri at Batutulis Palace, Bogor on Friday, April 21.

Apart from PDIP, there are two other parties that provide support for this white hair. Who are they?

1. Hanura Party

This non-parliamentary party officially gave support to Ganjar on Saturday, April 22 yesterday. The reason is that whoever the candidate is supported by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) they will join.

"On the anniversary of the Hanura Party in 2022, we stated that we would determine (the presidential candidate) who was nominated and became his choice (President Joko Widodo). I support Ganjar," said Hanura Party Chairman Oesman Sapta Odang or familiarly called Oso in Jakarta, Saturday, April 22.

Oso said this decision had been agreed upon by all DPD Hanura Party. After this, they will open communication with Ganjar.

"We have coordinated with the Hanura Party DPD, they simultaneously welcomed and agreed to support Ganjar Pranowo. If they support it, don't be half-hearted, because they have to use conscience," he said.

2. Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI)

Since October 2022, this party has supported Ganjar Pranowo as a presidential candidate in the 2024 presidential election. This support was chosen based on the results of the People's Rembuk forum which was held in February 2022.

"From the results of the People's Rembuk, we announced that the Indonesian Solidarity Party will nominate Pak Ganjar Pranowo as a presidential candidate for PSI in 2024," said PSI Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees Grace Natalie at that time.

"Mr. Ganjar or familiarly we call Mas Ganjar superior to other candidates," he continued.

The candidates appearing in the forum are Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD, Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian, Minister of SOEs Erick Thohir, to Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.

Not only that, support was also given because PSI considered its party's vision and mission to be in line with Ganjar Pranowo's movement. "In addition, PSI also sees Mas Ganjar as the most appropriate person to continue the work that has been done by Pak Jokowi in advancing Indonesia," said Grace.

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