
Will Presidential Candidate from PDIP, Ganjar Pranowo asked the public to be patient regarding who would be his companion. According to him, PDIP must have prepared those scenarios and the most important is one vision.

"Yesterday, Mrs. Mega has decided. This is only the initial stage. So tell me who the deputy is patient first," said Ganjar accompanied by Surakarta Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka, Saturday, April 22.

Ganjar and Gibran met at Wedangan Padmosustran Solo after the Eid prayer. Ganjar was accompanied by Siti Atiqoh's wife and his son Zinedine Alam Ganjar.

Meanwhile, Gibran came himself after the Eid prayer at Surakarta City Hall. While Sego's breakfast is typical of Solo, Ganjar and Gibran seem to be chatting casually at the traditional Javanese-style shop.

Furthermore, regarding the vice presidential candidate, according to Ganjar, PDIP must have prepared several names to be appointed as representatives. In addition, the name of the representative may also be waiting for cooperation between parties.

Asked whether representatives from internal parties or coalitions, Ganjar said there had been no such talks.

"I don't know the name yet. But if it's an internal matter or not, PDIP must also consider it, because this country is too big if it's taken care of alone. So cooperation is needed with elements of society, especially other political parties. About the coalition, wait a minute," he explained.

Asked about the appropriate criteria to be his companion, Ganjar said he was ready to be paired with anyone of the nation's children. However, he hopes that his deputy will be someone who can be invited to cooperate and have the same vision and mission.

"If there are many names, Mr. President Jokowi also mentioned several names. If I pair them with all the nation's children, they are all Indonesians. The important thing is to work together and have one vision," he said.

After chatting for about an hour, Ganjar said goodbye to visit his father-in-law's house in Purbalingga.

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