
TANGERANG - Ahead of the trial of the David Ozora persecution case, the suspect Mario Dandy replaced his legal advisory team, Dolfie Rompas and Basri Bundu, since Monday, April 10.

"On the 10th (April-ed). So the power of attorney was revoked. So we just received the letter. On the 10th I was no longer MDS' attorney," said Dolfie when confirmed, Friday, April 14.

However, revoked as a team of legal advisors, Dolfie admitted that he was still a legowo. Although, according to him, the revocation was considered rushed.

"(Previously) there was no communication. (But we) Legowo, so we don't have anyone to complain about because we respect the revoked letter, and there is already a new power of attorney," he said.

Dolfie said that as long as he was Mario's attorney, he always prioritized the professionalism and code of ethics of advocates.

"We always follow the rules of the game that are right. And most importantly we accompany someone who commits a crime, but because there are victims, we always prioritize humanity. Especially for victims, we always sympathize," he concluded.

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