
JAKARTA - Ironing clothes is indeed quite a homework that takes time. For workers, this one activity can only be done at night or on weekends.

However, routinely ironing clothes needs to be done. You see, there are several advantages that you can get, as below.

1. Can Kill bacteria and germs

Drying clothes in the sun can indeed kill germs and bacteria. However, there are several types of bacteria that can withstand the heat of sunlight such as thermophilic bacteria.

For that, it's a good idea to keep the clothes dry. You see, the heat of the iron is able to kill the remaining germs that stick.

2. Make the clothes look new

Clothing that is not ironed can actually change its shape. It's different if it is ironed using an emphasis technique on certain collars and folds. So, your clothes will always look like new.

3. Eliminating an unpleasant odor

The sweat from the body attached to the clothes can cause an unpleasant odor, even after you wash it. Even though the clothes are dry, you need to remove the smell by ironing it. You see, the heat from the iron can kill the remaining bacteria and remove the oil that is left behind.

4. Gives a professional impression

Want to have a professional appearance when you go to the office or meet important people? If so, you should iron clothes first before use. So, your clothes will look neater.

That's the importance of ironing clothes. Don't worry, you can buy iron equipment, such as a setrica table, an iron, a clothes hanger, and the best iron device only in ACE's official online store through its appearance.

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