
BUKITTINGGI - Head of the Earthquake and Tsunami Center of the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Daryono said the earthquake had a magnitude of 4.5 in the Bukittinggi area, West Sumatra, on Saturday, April 8, had no potential for a tsunami. "Modeling results show that this earthquake has no potential for a tsunami," Daryono said in a statement, in Jakarta, Saturday, quoted by Antara.

Daryono explained that the epicenter of the earthquake was located at coordinates 0.30 South Latitude (LS); 100.28 East Longitude (BT), or precisely located on land at a distance of 9 kilometers northwest of Bukittinggi, West Sumatra at a depth of 10 kilometers. His party said that based on the location of the epicenter and the depth of the hypocenter, the earthquake that occurred was a shallow type of earthquake due to active fault activity in the Sianok segment.

Gempa yang terjadi pada Sabtu pukul 12.21.22 WIB ini dirasakan di daerah Bukittinggi dengan skala intensitas IV MMI (Modified Mercalli Intensity), artinya getaran dirasakan banyak orang dalam rumah, di luar rumah oleh beberapa orang, jendela atau pintu berderik, dan dinding berbunyi, gerabah pecah.Sedangkan di Padang Panjang dan Pariaman dirasakan dengan skala intensitas II-III MMI, artinya getaran dirasakan nyata dalam rumah, getaran terasa seakan akan truk berlalu.Pasca gempa bumi tersebut hingga pukul 13.00 WIB, telah terjadi dua kali gempa bumi susulan. "Hingga pukul 13.00 WIB, hasilmonitoringBMKG menunjukkan ada dua aktivitas gempa bumi susulan," kata Daryono.

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