
JAKARTA - The Surakarta City Government, Central Java, will focus on monitoring at traffic jams during the Eid Al-Fitr 2023 holiday period. Head of the Surakarta City Transportation Service, Taufiq Muhammad in Solo, Saturday, said several points that will be the focus of supervision, namely in tourist attractions such as the Sheikh Zayed Mosque, Solo Safari, and the trade center. "Moreover, the condition of Solo is just road closure," he said, quoted from ANTARA, Saturday, April 8. He said that several road points are still under construction, namely the Simpang Tujuh Joglo, Gilingan Viaduk, and Jurug Bridge. "The congestion is sure to occur but we are trying to minimize it. We will also set up a post at several points later," he said. He said. Meanwhile, Deputy Chairman of Commission D of the Central Java Provincial DPRD Hadi Santoso said it was estimated that there would be 12.9 million travelers entering Central Java. Related to this, he appealed to travelers to the point prone to congestion and disaster. According to him, more than 82 congestion points were most due to 42 points of the spilled market, the rest were a number of toll exits, road crossings, railroad crossings, and road narrowing. Hadi gave an example of a number of congestion points including, the spilled market in Brebes, Semarang Regency Bandungan Roundabout, Tawangmangu tourism, Baturaden tourism, the point of damage in Batangan, as well as the narrowing of roads in Kendal and Temanggung. In addition, there are 67 projects that have not yet been completed. He also reminded travelers to be aware of extreme weather that could potentially cause catastrophic events, especially landslides, floods, and subsidence.

He said there were more than 127 flood points, 39 landslide points on provincial roads, and more than 52 points on national roads. Several disaster points include Bantarsari, Kemabungan, Pantura Pekalongan, Exit Kaligawe, Sayung toll roads, through Tawangmangu, Purwantoro Nawan, Bobotsari Purablangga, and a number of sections in Wonosobo Regency. there are also more than 64 accident-prone points on national roads and more than 26 points on provincial roads. "The efforts of travelers can continue to monitor weather information centers and obey signs and information from existing officers along the section," said this member of the Central Java Provincial DPRD FPKS.

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