
Head of the Information Service of the Indonesian Army Brigadier General Hamim Tohari denied that his party had intimidated actress Nindy Ayunda when she visited the residence of Dito Mahendra's lover.

Nindy conveyed the confession that she felt intimidated when she visited the office of the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK).

Hamim emphasized that a number of members of the Indonesian Army came to their addresses which were allegedly inhabited by Dito Mahendra to investigate information related to illegal firearms documents claimed by Dito as weapons from the Diponegoro Shooting Club.

"There is no terror, intimidation or threats from the TNI to Nindy Ayunda. So the presence of members of the Indonesian Army at Nindy Ayunda's residence is part of the task of investigating information related to Dito Mahendra's alleged possession of illegal firearms," Hamim told reporters, Friday, April 7.

In fact, Hamim said that his party also found one of the vehicles at the address using the official number plate of Kodam Jaya. However, it is not yet known whether the authenticity of the vehicle number plate belongs to Kodam Jaya or not.

"During the investigation, one of the vehicles at the address was also found using the Kodam Jaya service number plate. It is being investigated further," he explained.

However, Hamim admitted that he had no problem if Nindy made a report to LPSK on this accusation because it was the right of citizens.

"We need to understand that someone who is dealing with problems tends to look for opportunities to avoid, reduce or distract the public by raising or exaggerated other problems," said Hamim.

Yesterday, Nindy visited the LPSK office. The 34-year-old singer admitted that she received intimidation from TNI members while she was at her residence located in South Jakarta. At that time, he had just returned from Palembang.

"When I arrived in Jakarta, I went straight to my house in Kebayoran. Because I wanted to meet my sister to talk. So we made an appointment there, so we opened it together," said Nindy Ayunda at the LPSK Office on Thursday, March 6.

"After that I ordered one of my staff to take things, and he saw on the outside fence there were three suspicious, well-built people, long long hair and like intelligence. Because I never saw it, I don't know what it looked like," he continued.

Nindy admitted that the incident occurred on Sunday, April 2 evening. At 22.00 WIB that night, Nindy also admitted that a group of people had asked about her lover, Dito Mahendra.

"Furthermore, around 22.00 WIB while I was eating with my sister, then ART again informed that someone was looking for Mr. Dito, then I asked to lock the door," he said.

Nindy admitted that the people who visited her house that night were members of the TNI, who were said to have entered without permission and carried out damage.

"Finally, I saw TNI personnel wearing plain clothes and uniforms, about 30 people. Then their actions entered the yard without permission accompanied by damage to the garage door, extortion and screaming," he said.

"This happened from 22.00 WIB to 07.00 WIB. This incident has been reported to the TNI Puspom," said Nindy.

Claiming to be traumatized, Nindy admitted that she had pocketed the names of TNI members who visited her house that night. He also mentioned the initials of one of the middle officers who was also present at his house.

"This incident has caused trauma because not only one or two people came, but really 30 people. I have obtained the data of that person. That night the chairman was HS, the rank of Lieutenant Colonel was an Infantry unit," he explained.

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