
The Mataram City Police confiscated 25 units of two-wheeled vehicles using Brong or noisy exhausts.

Mataram Police Chief Kombes Pol Mustofa said that his party confiscated dozens of units of the vehicle from the results of early morning patrols on the route, which is often a place for young people, namely on Jalan Udayana.

"This early morning's confiscation is a form of firm action by members in the field in an effort to maintain the community's situation, in particular it can provide a sense of security and comfort for Muslims who are fasting," he said in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Thursday, April 6, as reported by Antara.

Mustofa said that police officers carried out early morning patrols on Jalan Udayana, based on complaints from the public who often felt disturbed by vehicle activities with noisy exhausts.

For dozens of vehicles, continued Mustofa, traffic unit officers have committed violations (tickets) of driving. He also confirmed that this confiscation was a follow-up to the ticketing.

"So, the vehicle can only be issued after the driver completes the trial process in court. It could run out of Eid, depending on the court setting a trial schedule," he said.

Mustofa also hopes that the firm action in the field can provide a deterrent effect to motorists with noisy exhausts.

"In active officers also emphasized to provide education about the purpose and purpose of these activities. One of them is to evaluate motorists about traffic rules by prioritizing safety," said Mustofa.

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