
BOGOR - Bogor City Government, West Java, submitted a plan to apply the Biskita Trans Pakuan tariff set by the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) of Rp. 4,000 per trip. Now still waiting for approval from the Ministry of Finance. "The tariff is the result of a study that has been signed by the Ministry of Transportation. But it has not been implemented because it is waiting for approval from the Ministry of Finance," said Head of the Bogor City Transportation Agency Eko Prabowo when confirmed in Bogor City, Antara, Sunday, April 2. Eko explained that the tariff was originally proposed at IDR 5,500 per trip as a vehicle operating fee (BOK), but this figure was reviewed jointly by considering the ability to pay or afford to pay (BTP) and the willingness to pay from the community in Bogor City. The results of the study showed the right figure was Rp. 4,000 per trip and had been approved by the Ministry of Transportation. Bus Biskita Trans Pakuan comes with a buy the service (BTS) system which means services subsidized by the Jabodetabek Transportation Management Agency (BPTJ) under the Ministry of Transportation. A total of 49 Biskita Trans Pakuan buses operating in Bogor City from the Mandiri Transport Service Ambassador Cooperative (Kodjari) received service subsidies from BPTJ with consequences, both buses, services and drivers driving it meet the standards set by the government. The bus is scheduled by the Bogor City Government to reduce even in the future replacing city public transportation (angkot) from the city center. Now the public transportation operates at a higher rate of IDR 5,000 per trip from the Biskita Trans Pakuan bus plan of IDR 4,000 per trip. "While waiting for approval from the Ministry of Finance, we will start socialization until next week," said Eko. The socialization began after the Jabodetabek Transportation Management Agency (BPTJ) held a Forum Group Discussion (FGD) related to the socialization of tariff implementation on mass public transportation services with the Buy The Service (BTS) scheme in the Bogor City area, at the Bogor City Library Auditorium, Saturday (1/4). Eko said, when the Rp4,000 tariff was applied during the probation period, passengers could simply pay for all routes at the same price for two months. "Later, after two months, an evaluation will be carried out to compare tariffs for several types of passengers, such as students, students, disabled and the elderly," explained Eko.

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