
Presidential Chief of Staff (KSP) Moeldoko said the presidential letter (surpres) regarding the Draft Law on the Protection of Domestic Workers (RUU PPRT) was immediately sent to the DPR RI. "The Presidential Decree is currently in the process at the Minister of State Secretary to be sent to the Indonesian House of Representatives as soon as possible," Moeldoko said at a joint press conference at the Bina Graha Building, Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Thursday, March 30. Also attending the press statement regarding the PPRT Bill was Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (PMK) Muhadjir Effendy and Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA) I Gusti Ayu Bintang Darmawati. While waiting for the presidential decree to be completed, continued Moeldoko, the government is working simultaneously to reorganize the problem inventory list (DIM) of the PPRT Bill and prepare consignments for public and political communication. Moeldoko also ensured that the government accommodated other institutions, including civil society organizations, to unite to provide input in the preparation of DIM. As is known, on March 18, President Joko Widodo emphasized that the government has a strong spirit and commitment to providing protection to household workers. Therefore, Jokowi ordered ministries and non-ministerial government institutions (K/L) to work hard to realize the PPRT Bill into law or be resolved as soon as possible. Furthermore, on March 21, the DPR decided that the PPRT Bill would enter the plenary session and become an initiative of the DPR. Then, on March 27, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, sent a letter to President Jokowi. Moeldoko conveyed that President Jokowi assigned a ministry that would represent the Government in discussing the bill with the DPR. "What is likely to be the leading sector is the Ministry of Manpower and the Menkumham," he added. Furthermore, the relevant ministries will accelerate the formulating of the DIM of the PPRT Bill which concerns five main issues, namely the issue of bias related to household workers, discrimination, education, inequality, and poverty. The government has extended the PPRT Task Force to become a consolidation house for all K/L who are not included in the presidential decree. "Thus, work will be carried out effectively and harmoniously because it involves ministries and institutions," said Moeldoko. Meanwhile, I Gusti Ayu Bintang Darmawati added that the PPRT Bill was the Government's effort to give recognition to household workers. "So crucial things that need attention are such as health insurance, social security to PPRT," said Ayu Bintang.

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