
JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD criticized member of Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Arteria Dahlan, regarding the statement regarding jumbo transactions of Rp. 349 trillion within the Ministry of Finance. Arteria Dahlan previously questioned PPATK about suspicious transactions of Rp. 349 trillion which should not have been disclosed to the public as regulated in Law Number 8 of 2010 concerning the Prevention and Eradication of Money Laundering. Arteria said, leakers could be threatened with a maximum of four years. As the Head of the Money Laundering Eradication Team containing Finance Minister Sri Mulyani (members) and PPATK Chairman Ivan Yustiavandana (secretary), Mahfud said that the findings of this suspicious transaction were legally conveyed to the public. Moreover, when delivering, Mahfud never mentioned the identity, number, account and even profile of the suspicious transaction. "I didn't mention anything, I only mentioned numbers, aggregates," said Mahfud in the RDP with Commission III of the DPR RI, Wednesday, March 29. Mahfud said that the findings of PPAT regarding theft transactions were also common when reported to him. This chain of work was also the same when the Head of BIN Budi Gunawan reported intelligence information to President Joko Widodo. The same information was also received by Mahfud for serving as Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs. "So Arteria dares to tell the Head of BIN Pak Budi Gunawan. Pak Budi Gunawan is the president's direct subordinate, responsible to the president, not the Menkopolhukam's subordinates," "But every week the official report, intelligence information to the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs. Try to (Arteria) tell Mr. Budi Gunawan. Pak Budi Gunawan according to the BIN law can be threatened with 10 years in prison, daren't he? According to Article 44, it's exactly what you read to me that conveying 10 years. This is BIN conveying to me," said Mahfud. Mahfud conveyed suspicious information to the public that was important. This is because the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs works based on intelligence information. "When did Pak Budi Gunawan want to be punished for 10 years? That's his job. He's not the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs but always reports officially even to me. This has been done a lot, since the beginning. We announced Indosurya, which we are now free to arrest again. That's PPATK, how come it's just been noisy about this?," "So don't bully, I can also bully (Arteria) brother (Arteria) and can be punished for obstructing law enforcement investigations. And there has been a punishment called Frederic Yunandi, who works like a brother. People want to reveal that they were hit, they want to be hit," said Mahfud.

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