
JAKARTA - PT Pertamina (Persero) through the subholding of Pertamina Patra Niaga and Pertamina International Shipping hand in hand so that it managed to extinguish the fire that burned MT Kristin's ship in the sea of Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara on Sunday, at 14:50 WITA.

"Currently, the fire has been extinguished at 21.00 WITA, and is being cooled to ensure that the fire will not reappear by the Pertamina International Shipping team using a tug boat belonging to Pelindo and from Patra Niaga to back up the tug boat from Ampenan and Manggis, Bali," said Acting Area Manager Comm, Rel & CSR Pertamina Patra Niaga Jatimbalinus Taufiq Kurniawan, in an official statement received by Antara in Mataram, Sunday night.

MT Kristin, who carried a cargo of 5,900 kiloliters (kl) pertalite, was originally scheduled to dock for loading at the Ampenan Fuel Terminal, Mataram City, NTB, at 2,700 kl. The remaining 3,200 kl will be taken to the Sanggaran BBM Terminal, Bali.

Taufik said the results of temporary monitoring did not contain oil spills in sea waters. However, to anticipate that the ship has been installed with an oil boom from Patra Niaga Ampenan so that if there is a spill it can be localized.

He added that in connection with the fire incident, it was also stated that the public did not need to worry about the availability of fuel.

"We ensure that the fuel supply for the Lombok area is safe, the supply of fuel for Lombok through the Integrated Ampenan Terminal and the Budget Fuel Terminal, Bali is ensured to be safe with the current stock position of Pertalite of 4,200 kl in the Budget, while in Ampenan the stock of Pertalite is 3,200 kl," he said.

Regarding the incident, he said, to maintain fuel stock security, Pertamina also made efforts to divert supplies. For IT Ampenan, a supply transfer will be carried out using the MT Olivya ship with a cargo of 2,500 kl which is currently in the western waters of Bima Regency.

For the Sanggaran BBM Terminal, a supply transfer will be carried out by land from IT Manggis Bali while waiting for the supply of the ship to dock.

"Furthermore, from MT. Elisabeth I, who brought 1,000 pertalite clusters, will arrive for the dock tomorrow morning at thegaran," said Taufik.

He also appealed to the public not to panic, because Pertamina ensured that the distribution of fuel for the Lombok area and its surroundings would not be hampered.

"We don't forget that we ask for support and prayers from the community so that victims who are still being searched can be found immediately," he said.

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