
JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights (Wamenkumham) Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej or Eddy Hiariej is not the only one called Indonesia Police Watch (IPW) receiving gratuities related to mining. However, there is also the name Evi Celianti who is suspected of being involved.

"It is true that there are APMR (Shareholders of PT CLM) shareholders named PT Ferolindo where at one time there are names of shareholders named Samsudim Andi Arsyad and Evi Celianti. If I'm not mistaken," said IPW Chairman Sugeng Teguh Santoso to reporters, Saturday, March 25.

From the information received, it is known that Evi Celiaanti was a shareholder of PT Ferolindo Mineral Nusantara dated December 9, 2022. However, recently the name has disappeared.

Regarding this, Sugeng could not confirm it, including the figure of Evi Celiaanti. However, he believes the information he got is accurate. In fact, the alleged bribery case is said to involve many parties. Then, carried out in a structured manner.

"The pattern of power involvement that plays with investors is more powerful and structured. If the case is Ismail Bolong, only the police are playing. Here is the Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights, the police have a higher level to state intelligence," said Sugeng.

Meanwhile, Edward was reported to the KPK by IPW on Tuesday, March 14. he allegedly received a gratuity of IDR 7 billion.

Edward allegedly received gratuities of Rp 7.7 billion through his two aspri YAR and YAM. Both were asked by former President Director of PT Citra Lampia Mandiri (CLM) Helmut Hermawan to consult on the ownership dispute of PT CLM.

"(Reports, ed) related to alleged corruption, the suspicion is that extortion in positions could also be gratification or others, I mentioned the state administrator with the status of deputy minister, I call the initials EOSH," said Sugeng.

Sugeng did not mention the figure of the deputy minister on the grounds of the presumption of innocence. However, the abbreviation refers to Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej.

"So this is related to the flow of funds of around Rp. 7 billion received through the two people recognized by EOSH as their aspri (personal assistant)," he said.

During the report, Sugeng brought documents related to his complaint. One of them, proof of transfer and conversations related to this report.

The criminal incident reported by Sugeng occurred in April-October 2022. The KPK was asked to follow up on the report.

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