
JAKARTA - The West Java Regional Police (Polda) have prohibited residents from holding "Sahur On The Road" activities or convoys during sahur time during Ramadan 2023.

West Java Police Head of Public Relations Kombes Pol. Ibrahim Tompo said the activity was considered to have the potential to cause crowds and friction that triggered a commotion between residents.

"In principle, 'Sahur on The Road' is a crowd, there is a possibility that there will be friction between friends and even groups during 'Sahur on The Road', so the public is advised not to carry out 'Sahur on The Road'," said Ibrahim in Bandung, West Java, Wednesday.

For this reason, according to police personnel, they will take preventive measures with patrol activities. According to him, the patrols were carried out in all ranks from the Polres to the Polsek level.

If a group is found carrying out the "Sahur On The Road" activity, according to him, the police will immediately disband.

"Even the police operation, we will carry out examining dangerous items including sharp weapons to people who are determined to carry out 'Sahur on The Road'," Ibrahim emphasized, as quoted by Antara.

Ibrahim also appealed to the public to focus more on carrying out worship in the Holy Month of Ramadan rather than carrying out activities that have the potential to cause disturbances in order.

"We urge you not to carry out 'Sahur On The Road', because there will be more harm than benefit, which will be a means for young people to gather and even become a wild racing event," he said.

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