
JAKARTA - Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono has again transferred DKI Provincial Government officials. Unmitigated, today Heru officially reshuffled the positions of 20 high-ranking Pratama officials within the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government. This is stated in the Decree of the Governor of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta Number 213 of 2023 dated March 21, 2023 concerning Appointment, Transfer, and Dismissal of the Primary High Leadership Position (Echelon II) of Civil Servants within the Provincial Government of the Capital Special Region. This transfer of position has been proposed to the Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian. Tito has issued a letter numbered 100.2.6/645/SJ dated February 2, 2023 regarding the Approval of the Inauguration and Inauguration of Primary High Leadership Officials within the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government. The inauguration procession of 20 high-ranking Pratama officials who were rotated was held behind closed doors at the DKI Jakarta City Hall. In addition, Heru also confirmed 45 existing DKI Provincial Government officials. The following is a list of 20 DKI Provincial Government officials who were affected by the dismantling of positions by Heru: 1. Alifianti Lestari Old Position: Deputy Director of General Administration and Finance of Tarakan Regional General Hospital (RSUD) New Position: Director of Regional General Hospital (RSUD) Koja 2. Iwan Kurniawan Old Position: Head of Social Welfare Bureau of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Secretariat New Positions: Deputy Director of Administration, General and Finance of Tarakan Regional General Hospital (RSUD) 3. Wahyu Haryadi Old Position: Head Of The DKI Jakarta Provincial Library And Archives Service New Position: Head of Social Welfare Bureau of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Secretariat 4. Firmansyah Old Position: Secretary of the Regional House of Representatives of DKI Jakarta Province New Positions: Head Of DKI Jakarta Province Library And Archives Service 5. Yani Wahyu Purwoko Old Position: Mayor Of West Jakarta Administration New Position: Assistant Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta for Population Control 6. Uus Kuswanto Old Position: Assistant to People's Welfare For Regional Secretary of DKI Jakarta Province New Position: Mayor Of West Jakarta Administration 7. Widyastuti Old Position: Head of DKI Jakarta Provincial Health Office New Position: Assistant to People's Welfare For Regional Secretary of DKI Jakarta Province 8. Achmad Firdaus Old Position: Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Youth and Sports Office New Position: Assistant Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta for Transportation 9. Andri Yansyah Old Position: Head Of Manpower, Transmigration And Energy Office Of DKI Jakarta Province New Position: Head Of DKI Jakarta Provincial Youth And Sports Office 10. Hari Nugroho Old Position: Head Of DKI Jakarta Provincial Highways Service New Positions: Head Of The DKI Jakarta Provincial Manpower, Transmigration And Energy Office 11. Chaidir Old Position: Deputy Head Of DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency New Position: Deputy Mayor Of Central Jakarta 12. Syaripudin Old Position: Deputy Head Of DKI Jakarta Environmental Agency New Position: Deputy Head Of DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency 13. Sarjoko Old Position: Head of DKI Jakarta Public Housing and Settlement Areas New Position: Deputy Head Of DKI Jakarta Environmental Agency 14. Muhamad Mawardi Old Position: Assistant Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta for Culture New Position: Head of Regional Head Bureau of DKI Jakarta Regional Secretariat 15. Nahdiana Old Position: Head of DKI Jakarta Education Office New Position: Assistant Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta for Culture 16. Hendra Hidayat Old Position: Deputy Mayor Of East Jakarta New Position: Mayor Of West Jakarta 17. Iin Mutmainmah Old Position: West Jakarta City Secretary New Position: Deputy Mayor Of East 18. Indra Patrianto Old Position: Head Of The DKI Jakarta Goods/Services Procurement Service Agency New Position: West Jakarta City Secretary 19. Yayan Yuhana Old Position: Head Of Legal Bureau Of The DKI Jakarta Regional Secretariat New Positions: Head Of Bureau Of Organization And Bureaucratic Reform Of DKI Jakarta Secretariat 20. Fredy Setiawan Old Position: East Jakarta City Secretary New Position: Head Of Government Bureau Of DKI Jakarta Secretariat

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