
YOGYAKARTA On the political stage in the country, the term walk out appears. These actions are often taken by many parties, whether personal, institutional, or certain groups. Most recently, the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) faction chose to walk out when ratifying the Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perppu) Number 2 of 2022 concerning Job Creation into Law (UU). Apart from this, what is walk out?

The term walk out (WO) actually comes from English which is interpreted as walking outside. Over time, this term is widely used in various contexts. This means that walking out is not just an outside path, but has a broader meaning.

On the sectionary.cambridge website, it is explained that a walk out is an act of leaving an official meeting as a group to show disapproval, or leaving the workplace to start a strike.

The walk out action can be done by anyone, starting from athletes, laborers, art workers, students, and so on. Not only in Indonesia, the walk out has already been started by western countries in a political context.

For example, WO is often associated with labor actions that oppose the rules of the capital owner. They will both WO from the work environment and continue with a strike. The WO action carried out by workers made it a kind of trademark in the United States.

The action can refer to protests and rejection of a policy that is being decided or has been decided. By indirectly walking out, the perpetrators are considered not to provide support to the institutions or organizations where they are members.

Similar actions are also often shown by members of the House of Representatives (DPR). In the context of the DPR, the walk out of the courtroom is interpreted as the perpetrator's disagreement with the trial that is being held. The problems that are tried can also vary, one of which is when discussing the rules.

The trigger for the walk out action can vary. For example, the disapproval of a group of applicable policies. Or quietness that is deliberately done to provoke massive changes in an organization.

Although it is often carried out by the DPR Agghota, the walk out action is not officially regulated. This action is considered as one of the expressions in the democratic system. The participants who walk out will also not be sanctioned or given punishment so that it can be carried out by anyone.

Walk out is legal to do, but it has no effect on the rules that have been decided. Anyone can take this action, but if the decision has been made, then the walk out actor is considered to have approved the results decided by the session participants.

One of the WO actions that is considered legendary and widely remembered is what was done by the NU mass organization and the PPP party. The action was carried out during the 1978 MPR General Session regarding the Outlines of State Policy (GBHN). At that time the trial determined two points that made Muslims disappointed. The two decisions are recognition of the flow of belief in line with other official religions and require mass indoctrination of state ideology through the Guidelines for Imagination and Implementation of Pancasila (P4).

For this policy, the United Development Faction then chose to walk out of the 1978 MPR General Session. The action was interpreted as disappointment, anger, and a form of member protests to the government.

In addition to what it is to walk out, visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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