
YOGYAKARTA - Constitutional Judge M. Guntur Hamzah was declared to have violated the code of ethics and principle of integrity because he was proven to have changed the substance of the Constitutional Court's decision Number 103/PUU-XX/2022. The Honorary Council (MK) received a written warning sanction to M. Guntur Hamzah. What is the profile of M. Guntur Hamzah like?

The Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court (MKMK) confirmed that Guntur was proven and had admitted that he proposed a change in the phrase 'thus' to the 'forward' in the decision. Guntur proposed this to the clerk a few minutes before the phrase was read out by the constitutional judge.

MKMK said that there was no standard procedure regarding the proposed change of the kind. However, the proposal for the phrase made by Guntur is considered fatal. Along with the disclosure of this polemic, the public is curious about M. Guntur Hamzah's profile.

M. Guntur Hamzah was born in Makassar, South Sulawesi, on January 8, 1965. Guntur's childhood was passed in his homeland. He received primary school (SD) education in Makassar City and graduated in 1976. Guntur took junior high school in Makassar in 1980. Then he continued at SMA Negeri 1 Makassar in 1983.

Guntur then continued his higher education in the Department of Constitutional Law (HTN) Hasanuddin University, Makassar. He managed to get a Bachelor of Law in 1988. After that, Guntur took the HTN master's program at Padjajaran University, Bandung. He completed his master's degree education in 1995.

Educational representative M. Guntur Hamzah did not just stop there. Guntur studied in the doctoral program of Law Science at Airlangga University, Surabaya. He successfully graduated with the title Cum Laude in 2002. Guntur also held the academic position of Professor in the field of State Administration Law and Constitutional Law at the Unhas Faculty of Law since February 2006.

Before entering the world of law or justice, M. Guntur Hamzah actually started his career as an academic at a university. Guntur has served as academic duties at Hasanuddin University, such as the Head of the State Administration Law (HAN) of the Faculty of Law, the Secretary of the Postgraduate Unhas Program for Legal Science Program, the Head of the Postgraduate Program Masters Program, and Assistant Dean I of the Faculty of Law, Unhas.

Apart from being involved in the academic world, Guntur also has a career outside campus. He once served as Legislative Drafter at the 2003 People's Consultative Assembly (MPR). In 2010, Guntur became a member of the Expert Team of the National Bureaucratic Reform Management Unit (UPRBN).

In 2011-2012, Guntur held the position of Expert at the Directorate of Regional Development of the Ministry of Home Affairs. In addition, he is also a reviewer of journals, textbooks, and research at the Directorate of Research and Community Service (DP2M) of the Ministry of National Education in 2007-2015.

Guntur also served as Head of the Pancasila and Constitutional Education Center at the Constitutional Court (MK). Another position he has held is the Head of the Center for Research, Case Study, and Management of Information and Communication Technology.

In 2015, Guntur was appointed Secretary General of the Constitutional Court. During his career, Guntur has received several awards. The awards he received, such as Satya Lencana Karya Satya on August 17, 2009 and Satya Lencana Karya Satya on May 2, 2013.

Guntur Hamzah has a wealth of IDR 4,920,239,601 (IDR 4.9 billion) based on the 2017 State Administrators Wealth Report (LHKPN). Guntur's wealth comes from various sources of assets.

Guntur is recorded as owning land and buildings with a value of Rp1,978,352,000. Then transportation equipment and machinery worth Rp458,500,001. He also has other movable assets of Rp113,450,000. Cash and Cash Equivalence of Rp2,369,937,600. Meanwhile, Guntur is noted to have no debt.

Such is the review of the profile of M. Guntur Hamzah, the Constitutional Justice who violated the code of ethics and principle of integrity. The Constitutional Court highlighted that cases of ethical violations occurred on the first day that Guntur served as a constitutional judge, namely on November 23, 2022.

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