
JAKARTA - Former Cirebon Regent Sunjaya Purwadisastra was charged with receiving gratuities in the amount of IDR 53,234,511,344 related to his position, bribes worth IDR 11.02 billion related to construction permits for industrial areas and PLTU 2 Cirebon so that the total alleged receipt of money was IDR 64,254,512,344.

In addition, Sunjaya was also charged with committing the crime of money laundering in the amount of IDR 61,010,704,141

"The defendant Sunjaya Purwadisastra has received gratuities totaling IDR53,234,511,344 which is related to the defendant's position and is contrary to his obligations or duties," said the KPK public prosecutor (JPU) when reading out the indictment at the Bandung Corruption Court (Tipikor), West Java was reported by ANTARA, Monday, March 20.

In the indictment, it was stated that Sunjaya, who was appointed as Regent on March 13, 2014, received gratuities in the first form, the receipt of contributions from the Heads of Regional Work Units (SKPD) worth IDR 8.442 billion; secondly, the receipt of contributions from 40 sub-district heads in June 2015 - July 2017 in Cirebon, which are commonly called "tuition fees" or "monthly reports", each IDR 1 million per month, bringing the total to IDR 1 billion.

Furthermore, thirdly, receipt of a "fee" of 5-10 percent of the value of the work project within the Cirebon government, bringing the total to IDR 37,224,511,344; fourth, receipts related to job promotions within the Cirebon regency government worth IDR 3.741 billion; fifth, the total revenue from the recruitment of honorary workers at the Cirebon regency government is IDR 2.01 billion at a rate of IDR 15 million - 40 million per honorary worker.

Then sixth, other receipts for the 2014-2018 period amounting to IDR 317 million; and seventh, receipts related to Mining Permits for Mining C in Greged District amounting to IDR 500 million.

Furthermore, in the second indictment, it was stated that Sunjaya received IDR 4 billion from Sutikno as the Main Director of PT Kings Property Indonesia and IDR 7.02 billion from Am Huh, Kim Tae Hwa, and Herry Jung.

"To move the defendant to expedite the approval of the application for a permit for the construction of the PT Kings Property Indonesia industrial area in Cirebon Regency, as well as to expedite the permit for the construction of PLTU 2 Cirebon and help handle demonstrations related to the construction of PLTU 2 Cirebon," added the prosecutor.

Initially, on November 7, 2017, Sutikno submitted a letter of recommendation for permits to use a 2,700 hectare space in Losari District, Cirebon district as an industrial area for PT Kings Property Indonesia. However, it turned out that only 500 hectares of the area requested was available, while most of the remainder was not included in Regional Regulation (Perda) No. 17 of 2011 concerning the RTRW of Cirebon Regency, so the process of issuing a location permit could not be carried out.

Sutikno then wrapped the money in 4 bags worth a total of IDR 4 billion and then handed it over to Sukirno, a local community figure who is also a land broker. Sukirno on December 21 2017 then handed over the money to Sunjaya through Deni Syafrudin and Andry Yuliandry.

For giving this money, the Head of the DPMTSP gave a location permit dated January 25, 2018, for an area of ​​around 1,500 hectares.

Meanwhile, the other bribes were related to the construction of the Cirebon Expansion/Jawa-1 1x1000 MW Steam Power Plant (PLTU 2) located in Mundu, Pangenan, and Astanajapura Districts, Cirebon.

The project owner is PT Cirebon Energi Prasarana (CEP) in collaboration with Hyundai Engineering and Construction Co Ltd as the "main contractor" and PT Toshiba Asia Pacific Indonesia and PT Matlamat Cakra Canggih.

However, since the beginning of the construction of the PLTU 2 project, there have been frequent demonstrations by the community asking that the project not be continued because it is not in accordance with Regional Regulation No. 17 of 2013 concerning the Cirebon Regency Spatial Plan for 2011-2031, and demanding compensation for landfill work at the project site. PLTU 2. The demonstration also hampered the implementation of project work.

In 2016 PT CEP's Director of Corporate Affairs Teguh Haryono then gave IDR 1 billion to Sunjaya to help expedite PLTU 2 permits and help handle demonstrations.

Then at the end of 2016, PT CEP President Director Heru Dewanto together with Deputy General Manager Herry Jung, Administration Manager Kim Tae Hwa, and Project Manager Cirebon 2 CFPP Project Site at Hyundai Engineering Am Huh met with Sunjaya and conveyed that there were "operational funds" for Sunjaya.

The "operational funds" disguised in the cooperation contract were handed over in stages, namely in the amount of IDR 970 million on 20 June 2017, in the amount of IDR 1.94 billion on 19 December 2017, in the amount of IDR 1.94 billion on 6 March 2018, and in the amount of IDR 1.455 billion on 3 October 2018 so that the total is IDR 7.02 billion from Am Huh, Kim Tae Hwa and Herry Jung.

In the third indictment, Sunjaya was charged with committing the crime of money laundering (TPPU) in the period May 2014 - October 2018.

The money laundering was carried out by placing IDR 23,861,538,468 in various accounts in the name of oneself and others which were then used for personal gain, leaving IDR 266,398,488.18.

Sunjaya also bought land and buildings for a total of IDR 34,997,856,673 and purchased vehicles for IDR 2.151 billion.

So that the total value of ML that has the potential to be carried out "asset recovery" is IDR 37,415,555,161.

For his actions, Sunjaya was charged with multiple articles, namely article 12 B and article 12 letter a or article 11 of Law No. 31 of 1999 as amended by Law 20 of 2021 in conjunction with article 65 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code and article 4 of Law No. 8 of 2010 concerning Prevention and Eradication The crime of money laundering jo article 65 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code.

Sunjaya is a convict who is serving a 5-year prison sentence in a case of accepting bribes related to buying and selling positions in Cirebon Regency in 2019.

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