
JAKARTA - The Jagakarsa Sector Police (Polsek) provides home and motorbike deposit services during Eid homecoming to prevent criminal acts such as motorcycle theft and empty houses.

"Residents can ask for police assistance to patrol across and guard the houses entrusted in collaboration with the local RT, RW, and Siskamling," said Jagakarsa Police Chief Kompol Multazam Lisendra in a written statement, in Jakarta, Monday, March 20.

Multazam added that this service is specifically for residents who are in the jurisdiction of the Jagakarsa Police.

Residents who wish to leave their homes can contact the hotline number that has been provided through the WhatsApp chat application and only need to fill out the digital form that is submitted.

Later, after the home care service is confirmed, members of the police will ensure that the house is guarded by patrolling during the owner's homecoming.

Meanwhile, for motorcycle storage, you can go directly to the Jagakarsa Police by bringing a valid BPKB/STNK photocopy and bringing your own motorbike covering cloth so that it is not damaged by rain or heat.

According to Multazam, going home driving two wheels out of town has a high risk of accidents, Jagakarsa residents should go home by car or public transportation.

Moreover, he also appealed to the public to remove gas regulators from the tube, turn off and remove electronic devices that were not used while leaving the house to prevent harm such as fires.

Penitipan rumah dan motor ini termasuk salah satu upaya polisi dalam memberikan pelayanan maksimal kepada masyarakat terutama saat masa liburan maupun hari besar lainnya.

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