
The National Police will ask for information from oil and gas experts (oil and gas) to reveal the main cause of the Pertamina Pelumpang Depot fire, North Jakarta. During the examination, it was to determine whether there was an element of human error.

"Currently, Polda Metro Jaya investigators are still asking for information from oil and gas experts," said Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan, to reporters, Monday, March 20.

With the plan to examine oil and gas experts, the number of witnesses and experts who are asked for information will increase. Meanwhile, there are 24 people who have been examined by the joint investigation team.

Later, the examination will determine whether there is an element of human error or force majeure. Then, determine the main cause of the explosion.

"Witnesses are still 24, plus later witnesses from oil and gas, it is to determine whether it is a force majeure or public relations error," said Ramadhan.

Pertamina Plumpang depot, North Jakarta, caught fire on Friday, March 3 at around 20.00 WIB. Then, the fire can be extinguished around 23.00 WIB.

Based on the data, 29 people died as a result of the fire. Then, dozens of other people were injured.

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