
JAKARTA - Joint officers arrested 11 members of the TNI-Polri at a nightclub on Friday, March 17. Seven people were found positive for taking drugs.

The operation was carried out by joint officers from the TNI Puspom, Denma Staprov TNI Headquarters, Garnizun 1 Jakarta Satpom, Pomdam Jaya, Puspomal, Puspom AU, Propam Polda Metro Jaya, and the National Narcotics Agency (BNN).

Dirbin Lidkrim Pamfik Puspom TNI, Kolonel POM Septinus Sarante mengatakan, 11 anggota yang terjaring razia terdiri dari tiga personel TNI AD, satu personel TNI AL, tujuh personel Polri.

Selain itu, petuga juga mengamankan lima orang dari warga sipil.Septinus menegaskan para pelanggaran yang tertahu positif narkotika akan dilanjutkan ke proses hukum.

Violators from TNI personnel will be processed by investigators from the TNI Puspom, while violators from the police will be transferred to the Propam Polda Metro Jaya.

Meanwhile, civilians will be transferred to BNN. "Meanwhile, personnel who are not proven to have abused narcotics but caught in nightclubs are handed over to their unit commanders for guidance," said Septinus, as reported by Antara, Saturday, March 18. He said this joint raid was a follow-up to the order of the TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono. The joint raid was carried out to improve discipline, rules and legal compliance of all TNI soldiers. Both while doing official and in everyday life. "We take action against soldiers who violate the law, discipline and order wherever they are. We do this in order to prevent the arrogance of TNI soldiers who can degrade the dignity and image of the TNI in society," he concluded.

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