
BANGKA - One hectare of land in Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province, was burned down. The reason is that there are residents who burn garbage at the location.

The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Bangka Regency only took less than an hour to extinguish the fire.

"The burning of the land near Green Hill Housing occurred at 10.40 WIB and the fire was successfully extinguished at 11.45 WIB," said Head of BPBD Bangka Regency, Ridwan, as quoted from Antara, Saturday, March 18.

"The fire from the garbage spread to the land which is right behind the housing complex, which is known to have many flammable plants," he continued.

The fire was successfully extinguished by firefighters and the fire unit team reacted quickly so that it did not spread to a wider area.

"In handling the fire on the land near the housing complex, a fire engine was dispatched and a car was sprayed," he said.

His party received reports of land fires from residents of the local housing complex through WhatsApp services.

"Although the land fire accident did not cause any casualties, it became the attention of the entire community to be aware of the surrounding environmental conditions when they were about to burn garbage, make sure the environment was safe and far from forest or land areas," he said.

Ridwan gave his appreciation to people who care about environmental security conditions, including providing reports quickly when a disaster occurs.

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