
JAKARTA - Bareskrim Polri stated that the Indosurya Savings and Loan Cooperative (KSP) was legally flawed. This is because the requirements for submitting a cooperative are suspected to be fictitious or fake. On that basis, the boss of KSP Indosurya Henry Surya was named a suspect for the second time. "We have found evidence that his actions or cooperatives are legally flawed," said the Director of Special Economic Crimes at Bareskrim Polri Brigadier General Whisnu Hermawan to reporters, Thursday, February 16. From the deepening process, KSP Indosurya under Henry Surya's leadership seems to be a legal organization. However, it turns out that in the process of founding him is legally flawed. "For this reason, HS is with his evil intention of committing an act that seems to have made cooperatives, cooperatives of Indosurya," he said. What does it mean, the information contained in the report document of the event is not true," he continued. Then, in his crime action, Henry Surya also falsified the signatures of the members of the cooperative. In fact, they did not follow a meeting that was one of the requirements for establishing cooperatives.

"What is falsified is signature. Every report shows that members should sign. Now the signature of the person has never signed. This is whose signature," said De De Deo. So, Henry Surya was charged with Article 263 of the Criminal Code regarding letter forgery and Article 266 of the Criminal Code regarding forgery in authentic data, as well as the Law on the Crime of Money Laundering (TPPU).

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