
The Gambir Metro Police are still investigating the death of a parking attendant, or parking attendant (jukir) who was stabbed by a thug at Tasik Cideng Market, Gambir District, Central Jakarta, Thursday, March 16.

From the results of the crime scene (TKP), Gambir Metro Police investigators secured and confiscated evidence of a sharp knife type weapon used by the perpetrator to stab the victim's body. The knife was also secured to the Gambir Police as evidence of a crime.

"While those who were secured were suspected of being used by the perpetrators left behind at the crime scene," said Gambir Metro Police Chief, Kompol Mugia Yarry Junanda when contacted by VOI, Thursday, March 16.

Meanwhile, from the results of the police identification of the victim's body, there were at least 4 stab wounds of sharp weapons on the victim's body.

"From the identification results, there were four stab wounds. Two stab wounds to the stomach, one stab wound to the chest and one stab wound to the waist," he explained.

As of Thursday afternoon, the police were still gathering a number of witnesses regarding the stabbing incident that killed the jukir.

"There are only three witnesses to date. Because of that (Tasik Cideng Market) the market is also large, of course it can increase (the number of witnesses)," he explained.

A illegal parking attendant (jukir) with the initials SRS (43) died covered in blood as a result of being stabbed by a sharp knife type weapon by a Tasik Cideng Market thug, Gambir District, Central Jakarta, Thursday, March 16. The incident occurred when the sale activity at the Pasar Tasik Muslim fashion market began to open.

"What we know, according to witnesses there was a fuss. The victim was chased by the perpetrator, then there was a stabbing," said Kompol Mugia when confirmed by VOI, Thursday, March 16.

After stabbing the victim, the perpetrator immediately fled. Meanwhile, the victim who was bombarded with a number of stab wounds died at the scene.

"After that, the perpetrator immediately fled," he said.

Meanwhile, according to witness testimony to Gambir Metro Police investigators, the victim is known to work as a jukir around the crime scene.

"We are still investigating the victim, but the latest information from the witness is that he (the victim) works as a jukir and construction worker," he said.

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