
The South Sulawesi (Sulsel) extended family solidarity expressed its rejection of the death penalty handed down by the South Jakarta District Court (PN Jaksel) to Ferdy Sambo for the premeditated murder of Brigadier Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J.

Chairman of the South Sulawesi Tomanurung Descendants Foundation, Annar Salahuddin Sampetoding, admitted that he represented the Toraja, Makassar, and Bugis ethnic groups, said he appreciated the court's decision in the case based on respect for court institutions.

"However, we consider that the death sentence against our brother Ferdy Sambo is very excessive. That it is true that he is guilty, but is the death penalty the right verdict?" Annar said at a press conference in Jakarta, Wednesday, March 15, confiscated by Antara.

The group also assessed that the sentence was imposed in order to fulfill the wishes of certain people solely and not on the basis of substantive justice by considering the aspects that appeared in court.

Annar reminded that Ferdy Sambo had stated that this shooting incident did not just stand alone for no reason.

The group also believes that what Ferdy Sambo is doing is solely to defend the dignity and personal dignity of his family.

Annar said that in the culture of the people of South Sulawesi ethnic Toraja, Makassar, and Bugis, there is a principle of Siri' Na Pacce, namely very deep shame and pain to uphold the dignity of the family.

"Anyone can take any action to defend the dignity of his family and personally, which must be done alone without being represented," he said.

The group also regretted the lack of mitigating considerations against Ferdy Sambo, even though the person concerned had admitted he was wrong and repeatedly apologized and was polite during the trial process.

Furthermore, Annar said that Ferdy Sambo and his family had received a very severe social punishment from the Indonesian people long before the court verdict.

"To be honest (this) made us all very deeply hit. Social wisdom by this society is far more devastating than physical punishment for touching the heart of the soul and spirit of the family, especially children who are still relatively small and must be deeply shaken by ridicule, ridicule, and insults from the community," he said.

Annar reminded that Ferdy Sambo was not born a criminal as received from the current community, considering that he had served the state and nation for 28 years through the Polri institution.

The group questioned why there was no consideration of forgiveness for Ferdy Sambo for his various achievements such as the six gold pins of the National Police Chief and the Bhayangkara Pratama Star from the President of the Republic of Indonesia.

Annar emphasized that his party believes that there is still justice that can be obtained by Ferdy Sambo, who is currently filing an appeal.

"On the basis of justice and humanity, the death penalty is something that is very excessive and therefore deserves to be rejected. Hopefully the judges of the appeal court will consider all these aspects, so that justice can actually be obtained by our brother Ferdy Sambo," he said.

The group also highlighted the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD, who was considered to often speak outside of appropriateness and propriety regarding the Ferdy Sambo case, which made the news wild.

"We urge Pak Mahfud not to interfere too far or intervene in courts that must run independently and implicitly," said Annar.

In addition, on behalf of the South Sulawesi extended family of ethnic Toraja, Makassar, and Bugis, Annar asked President Joko Widodo to forgive Ferdy Sambo's actions which were called spontaneous and unintentional.

"What we believe (done) is based on Siri' Na Pacce', a very sacred and highly upheld culture by the people of South Sulawesi," said Annar.

On the same occasion, another representative of the group, Lusia Mangiwa, alluded to the actions of Brigadier J as the perpetrator of a violation of the law by Ferdy Sambo.

"Because of the treatment of our brother Yosua and that he did at Mr. Ferdy Sambo's house, it is obligatory for Mr. Ferdy Sambo to maintain his dignity and dignity," he said.

Lusia refers to the alleged sexual harassment by Joshua against Putri Candrawathi, Ferdy Sambo's wife.

When explaining the consideration of the verdict read out on February 13, 2023, Chief Judge Wahyu Imam Santoso stated that the panel of judges at the South Jakarta District Court (PN Jaksel) did not get sufficient confidence that Yosua had sexually harassed or raped or even committed more than that to Putri Candrawati.

In addition, Wahyu also said that the element of planning the murder of Brigadier J had been proven.

Ferdy Sambo was sentenced to death by the panel of judges at the South Jakarta District Court, who stated that he had been legally and convincingly proven guilty of violating Article 340 subsidiary Article 338 in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1 of the Criminal Code.

Ferdy Sambo is also considered proven guilty of violating Article 49 in conjunction with Article 33 of Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions (ITE) in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code.

Meanwhile Putri Candrawathi was sentenced to 20 years in prison, Strong Ma'ruf 15 years in prison, Ricky Rizal Wibowo 13 years in prison, and Richard Total, who was originally sentenced to 12 years in prison, was sentenced to 1 year and 6 months.

Ferdy Sambo, Putri Candrawathi, Strong Ma'ruf, and Ricky Rizal Wibowo have appealed the decision.

Likewise, the Indonesian Attorney General's Office has appealed the South Jakarta District Court's decision against Ferdy Sambo et al.

The DKI Jakarta High Court is scheduled to read out the appeal case decisions on behalf of the defendants Ferdy Sambo, Putri Candrawathi, Strong Ma'ruf, and Ricky Rizal at the open trial on April 12, 2023.

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