
"PALU - The City Government (Pemkot) of Palu, Central Sulawesi, formed an Anti-Drug Task Force at the SMP/MTs level as an effort to protect the government against students/siswi so as not to fall into the abuse of these illegal drugs. This is part of prevention efforts, because drugs can target anyone, regardless of age and youth. Therefore, it is necessary to take anticipatory steps in the school environment so that the children do not fall into and are not excluded by the employees themselves," said Kesbangpo of Palu City Ansyar Sutiadi, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, March 14. He puts forward this step as a form of collaboration between the Palu City Government and the National Narcotics Agency (BNN). Through this task force, he continued, there will also be an effort to reduce the prevalence. Prevention and prevention must be intensified. Internal education units, school principals have the responsibility to educate students/siswi, including providing reinforcement to teaching staff and non-tour employees," he said. Based on the early detection of the Palu City BNN, he said, students had already used narcotics of several types, including methamphetamine, ecstasy, and others such as Fox glue. "This is a challenge for all of us to keep children from falling and those who have used as soon as possible to intervene so as possible so as not to cause fatal risks," he said.

The Chief Executive of the Palu City Drug Dark Circulation, Prevention, Eradication, and Circulation (Pokja P4GN) hopes that the Education and Culture Office and the Office of the local Ministry of Religion can ensure the availability of resources to support this program and activity. "The news of narcotics abuse must be collaborated with all parties. The Palu City Government is committed to that," he said.

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