
JAKARTA - Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) Abdullah Azwar Anas said the former British Prime Minister (PM) Tony Blair is ready to assist digital reform efforts in Indonesia. "He promised to prepare the best consultants sent to help us. The person who later was sent, has experience in reforming digital in the UK and Europe," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, March 14. He said, the meeting with Tony Blair was held at the Office of the Ministry of PANRB, Monday (6/3). Tony's arrival is a support for digitalization efforts in Indonesia. The collaboration, he said, was in line with efforts to increase digital literacy for the people in Indonesia. In addition, in digitizing bureaucratic reform, the Ministry of PANRB continues to pay attention to the digital aspects of culture, digital structure, and digital competence. "People are part of the digitalization process, so they will not leave. This process will be gradual," he said. Azwar gave an example at the moment the Ministry of PANRB and related technical ministries are completing digitalization trials, in particular, civil population and listing data (dukcapil) in the digital population identity system. "Kemarin has been tested and can already function. If this digital is successful in trials in several regions. So this is a new revolution of public service digitization systems," he asserted. Previously, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair stated that he was happy to discuss digitalization efforts in Indonesia with the Minister of PANRB. He stated that digitization could make it easier for the community. He also appreciated the digital transformation measures that have been carried out by the Indonesian government. "I am happy to meet Pak Anas and colleagues. I am talking about digitization in Indonesia and the ability to transform government services to become more effective for public life," he said.

During his leadership, Tony Blair also played a role in the transformation of the bureaucracy and digitization of government in the UK. Tony and the Tony Blair Institute (TBI) also participated in helping the governments of several countries for digital transformation and experienced in supporting the movement of the capital cities of several countries. Tony's experience is discussed to further enrich the efforts of bureaucratic reform in Indonesia, which is coordinated by the Ministry of PANRB

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