JAKARTA - The Indonesian Police Strategic Studies Institute (Lemkapi) emphasized that the security of the convict Bharada Richard Totaling Pudihang Lumiu or Bharada E is the responsibility of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights and the National Police.
"Eliezer is currently an inmate of a correctional institution, so its security will be fully responsible for the Ministry of Law and Human Rights officers and if the detainees are at the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police, of course they will be assisted by police officers," said Lemkapi Executive Director Edi Hasibuan in a written statement in Jakarta, Antara, Monday, March 13.
Edi said this was in response to the steps taken by the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) which revoked Bharada total protection because the convict conducted interviews with the media.
This academic from Bhayangkara University Jakarta said that the lifting of protection by LPSK does not need to be debated and the most important thing is that officers increase security against Totaling, especially in detention.
"It must be understood that the security of all citizens is fully the responsibility of the state for every citizen," he said.
On the other hand, Edi Hasibuan is concerned about the LPSK's decision to revoke physical security protection against Totaling just because of conducting interviews with the media.
In fact, he said, the interview had received permission from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, the National Police Chief and totaling attorneys.
According to this police observer, the lifting of protection from LPSK does not need to be debated because the person responsible for Total security is currently a Police Ministry of Law and Human Rights officer backed up.
Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Pol Dedi Prasetyo emphasized that the National Police will continue to provide protection to Totaling who is currently being held at the Bareskrim Polri Detention Center Salemba Branch.
"From the initial investigation, the prosecution to the trial, has been secured by the Police. Until now, Total Health Conditions have been very good," he said when contacted in Jakarta, last Saturday.
Totaling was sentenced to 18 months in prison for killing Brigadier Nofriansyah Joshua Hutabarat and prosecutors put him in the Criminal Investigation Unit to serve his sentence.
This convict became the perpetrator who worked together to uncover the case (justice collaborator) so that he received a light sentence for the premeditated murder case.
Another defendant who was sentenced to the South Jakarta District Court was former Head of Propam Polri Ferdy Sambo sentenced to death, while Sambo's wife, Putri Candrawathi, was sentenced to 20 years in prison, Sambo's personal driver, Strong Makruf was sentenced to 15 years in prison and Bripka Ricky Rizal was sentenced to 13 years in prison.
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