
Governor Ganjar Pranowo will optimize the Special Allocation Fund (DAK) for infrastructure development and improvement in Central Java. Ganjar revealed that the central government disbursed DAK for Central Java in the amount of Rp. 1.1 trillion.

This was conveyed by Ganjar during the first Musrenbang Roadshow in the Subosukawonosraten Development Area in Sasana Manggala Sukowati, Sragen Regency, Monday, March 13. In this activity, regional heads in six development areas conveyed the problem of damaged roads.

So in the activity, Ganjar Pranowo conveyed to regional heads to focus on implementing infrastructure management, because Central Java received a DAK of IDR 1.1 trillion.

"Ladies and gentlemen, don't worry about being protested by residents, because I am also being reported every day. Now for infrastructure, we will get Rp 1.1 trillion in aid to clean up in Central Java. The work has started," said Ganjar.

The former member of the DPR RI said the assistance from the central government would be used to handle all infrastructure in Central Java.

"Solo Raya yesterday I was told what, related to those around Sragen who protested a lot from the community to me, that's quite a lot," he said after the event.

Ganjar explained that later the DAK of IDR 1.1 trillion will be used for a number of activity packages. Among other things, the preservation of the Galeh-Ngrampal road section in Sragen is IDR 9.9 billion.

Then the preservation of the Lasem road section up to this Sale around the Rembang there. This is big because the damage is quite severe, around Rp. 17 billion," he said.

In addition, it is also an allocation through the Inpres infrastructure. Among them, which have been running on the package of the Jalan Surakarta - Gemolong - Geyer section of IDR 108.5 billion with a contract value of IDR 97 billion.

"So some important sections that we need to pursue, we communicate and ask for instructions and assistance from the center. Thank God we can do some work," he said.

Ganjar Pranowo said that the handling of road infrastructure has actually been included in the RPJMD, both provincial and regional. However, for the past two years it must be reallocated for handling COVID-19.

"Our problem is that we haven't built for two years, yesterday, that's all. The funds are refocused for others, so yes, the conditions are quite dedel duel," he said.

Not to mention, during this period, other factors were added. Among other things, extreme rain, disasters and over-dimension trucks are overloaded.

"So the dimensions are high, the load is high and it makes it make a contribution. The solution is to be put in order, but it requires the involvement of the Ministry of Transportation, the Police, then the truck owner. If you want to carry it higher than capacity, the as is more. the term is multi excel, the axis is multi so you can secure it," said Ganjar Pranowo.

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