
BATURAJA - The Regional Disaster Management Agency of Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Regency in South Sumatra Province (Sulsel) is prepared to face the risk of natural disasters in the 2023 dry season, especially the threat of forest and land fires.

The Manager of the Operations Control Center of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of OKU Gunalfi Regency, quoted an early warning from the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) regarding the possibility of a dry season arriving early in parts of South Sumatra.

He said that according to information from the BMKG the rainy season ended in March 2023 and the transition period from the rainy season to the dry season was predicted to occur in April 2023.

"The dry season in 2023 is predicted to arrive earlier than 10 to 30 days compared to the normal climatologist," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, March 13.

Part of the South Sumatra region which is predicted to enter the dry season early, in the Second Basis of May 2023, includes Palembang, parts of Banyuasin, Musi Banyuasin, Ogan Ilir, Ogan Komering Ilir (OKI), East OKU, Muara Enim, Penukal Abab Lematang Ilir, eastern Prabumulih, and Empat Lawang.

The western and eastern parts of South Sumatra are predicted to enter the dry season in June Dasarian I, including parts of Muara Enim, Lahat, Musi Rawas, Muratara, Muba, coastal Banyuasin, East OKU, OKU, OKI, Pagaralam, and South OKU.

Gunalfi stated that during the dry season forest and land fires have the potential to occur in vulnerable areas, including OKU Regency.

Therefore, BPBD urges residents to avoid activities that can trigger forest and land fires, such as clearing agricultural land by burning.

BPBD OKU Regency has reactivated the post in the sub-district to increase preparedness in the face of possible forest and land fires during the dry season.

"There are more than 100 forest and land fire control personnel that we have deployed in all posts in 13 sub-districts in OKU Regency so that forest and land fires can be handled as early as possible," said Gunalfi.

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