
TERNATE - The Ternate Customs Office, North Maluku (Malut) managed to save state financial losses of Rp615 million and destroy goods resulting from prosecution as a manifestation of its function to protect the public from illegal goods.

The goods resulting from the prosecution that will be destroyed come from the operation and patrol activities of the Ternate Customs Office from June to December 2022 in areas in North Maluku Province.

"The results of this operation and patrol activity are estimated to have succeeded in preventing state financial losses of Rp. 615 million," said Head of the Customs Office, Shinta Dewi Arini, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, March 13.

He explained that the destruction of State Property was a manifestation of the implementation of the four DJBC functions that had been carried out by Ternate Customs.

Where, in carrying out its duties, the Directorate General of Customs and Excise has four main functions, namely to facilitate export/import trade, industrial assistance, resistance to domestic industries, revenue collectors, collect state revenues and protect the public from harmful goods.

He said, according to the Decree of the Head of the Office Number KEP-43/KBC.1903/2023 dated March 8, 2023 and the applicable regulations, the goods resulting from the prosecution had been designated as state property and destroyed, including cigarettes of the Machine Kretek Cigarette (SKM) without attached to excise stamps as much as 560 cigarettes, cigarettes of the Machine White Cigarette (SPM) without being attached to excise stamps as much as 242,800 sticks and Drinks Containing Etil alcohol (MMEA) without being attached to excise stamps of 133.42 liters with details of class A as much as 11 liters, and class C as much as 122.42 liters.

Shinta said that the prosecution and destruction of illegal excisable goods was realized thanks to good synergy with all elements of society, both law enforcement officers in the North Maluku region, as well as people who have provided information regarding the circulation of illegal excisable goods.

"This shows a strong commitment from the Ternate Customs Office together with law enforcement officials and the people of North Maluku in eradicating the circulation of illegal excisable goods that are harmful to health and detrimental to state revenues. So, we hope that this good synergy will be stronger and more sustainable," he said.

In addition, this extermination event is also expected to be a means of education for all of us to better understand the importance of eradicating illegal excisable goods for the people of Indonesia, especially in North Maluku.

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