
JAKARTA - Kenzie, an obese toddler in Bekasi, is currently receiving treatment at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM), Jakarta. Kenzie was hospitalized for several days and is now undergoing outpatient care.

Spokesperson for the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) M. Syahril asked the parents of the 16-month-old toddler who weighed 27 kilograms to comply with the doctor's advice during treatment.

"The challenge now is the obedience of Toddler Kenzie's parents to carry out the advice from the team of doctors. Kenzie's progress is also being monitored by the local Public Health Center," said Syahril in his statement, Monday, March 13.

Currently, Kenzie's health condition is still being examined for the exact cause of her obesity case. Lab results will be received more or less within 21 working days.

While waiting for the Lab results, Toddler Kenzie received treatment from a team of doctors at RSCM Jakarta, starting from Ana Specialists, Nutrition Specialists, Rare Diseases Division, to Physiotherapy Specialists.

"We will make every effort to handle Kenzie's patient's condition, especially at this time physiotherapy continues to be carried out to catch up with patient development delays," said Syahril.

When Kenzie's condition came into the spotlight, his parents admitted that they had been feeding the child sweetened condensed milk since he was 12 months old because they could not afford formula milk.

After receiving intensive care at the RSCM, Syahril said that Kenzie's health problems were not only caused by his diet. He is also suspected of having a genetic disorder.

"Kenzie's case is rare, so a thorough and specific examination is needed through laboratory tests," said Syahril.

His condition triggers other problems, such as imperfect foot shape (forming O), to developmental delays. At this age, Kenzie is not yet able to walk.

"Genetic factors trigger Kenzie's obesity condition, and this is a very rare case, so the certainty of laboratory examination results is very important to determine the patient's diagnosis," he added.

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