
JAKARTA - Iran's army chief claims his country has become one of three countries that produce ballistic missiles with the ability to destroy enemy-moving naval units.

Tehran has started mass-producing missiles, which will create "significant security" in its waters, Major General Mohammed Bagheri told the Tasnim news agency, which is affiliated with the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

"The missile will be able to operate at a distance of 1,000 km," he said, launching The National News March 7.

"This missile has been successfully tested and mass production has begun. After the production of this missile, Iran will become one of three countries with knowledge (technical) to build such missiles," he continued, citing Fars.

He explained that the new ballistic missile could reach its target with Mach 8 speed, capable of providing precision strikes.

"From now on, attacks on aircraft carriers and foreign fleets will not be safe at a distance of 1,500 kilometers from our shores and this is an achievement achieved by our elite youth," Baqieri continued.

Iran has more than 3,000 ballistic missiles, according to an estimated US Central Command official in 2022. Among them is the Hormuz missile, which Iranian media have described it as an "American ship destroyer" and achieved a floating target.

Meanwhile, the military doctrine of the Islamic Republic states that the armed ability of the state is solely for defense purposes.

Iranian officials have repeatedly stressed that the country will not hesitate to increase its military capabilities, including missile and drone forces, which are fully intended for defense, warning Iran's defense capabilities will never be negotiated.

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