
KENDARI - The General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of Southeast Sulawesi invites students who become novice voters or millennial voters to be smart in rejecting money politics in order to be aware of the potential for fraud against the 2024 General Election. The chairman of Bawaslu Sultra Hamiruddin Udu said rejecting money politics is very important to all parties, including novice voters so as to create democratic, honest, fair, clean, and healthy elections. They must first reject money politics. These millennial voters must first know that from the legal aspect of accepting or giving to the implementation of elections or pilkada there are criminal sanctions," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, March 11.Bawaslu Southeast Sulawesi provided socialization of creating honest and fair democratic parties to a number of representatives of high school/vocational students equivalently, and students in Kendari City as participants of the Press Independent Seminar in the 2024 Election held by the Indonesian Television Journalists Association (IJTI) of Southeast Sulawesi. He called criminal sanctions for both the givers and money political receivers during the implementation of the election democratic parties and pilkada could face a minimum imprisonment of three years and a maximum of six years. In addition to being able to get a criminal threat, he said, money politics action would harm the community itself because one was elected as a leader of fraudulent actions, then the leader could not carry out regional development properly. "They (elections) must believe that elections or elections implemented in improper ways will be repeated after the elected or inductible candidates. So those who will lose are the community themselves, we ourselves, development will definitely not be maximally carried out," said Hamiruddin. Hammiruddin said that the involvement of millennial voters in guarding the 2024 election is very important because they become future voters. Therefore, he hopes that students are not easily infiltrated by unhealthy and improper political politics that could injure democratic parties.

He asked students who have been included as a voter list to prevent money politics and socialize to their friends and family the bad effects of these unhealthy actions. "Security, the knowledge they get from activities like this about how much money will have a political impact on the future, they can share on social media they have or in their communication with their friends, for example at school," said Hamiruddin.

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