
A total of 4,658 University of Indonesia (UI) students from vocational levels to doctoral programs graduated in the gasal semester of the 2022/2023 academic year which was fully face-to-face at Balairung, UI Depok Campus, West Java.

In his message to all graduates, UI Chancellor Ari Kuncoro said to continue to carry out Tri Dharma Universities based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. He also asked graduates to work by producing innovations that are able to answer the problems and challenges of the nation and globally.

"Because UI is here to innovate superiorly for Indonesia and the world," Ari said as quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, March 11.

Graduation is conducted on Friday and Saturday. In the ceremony led by the Chancellor of UI Ari Kuncoro, there were 2083 students graduating.

Of the total 4,658 UI graduates, 16 are graduates of Diploma Program, 1,970 Undergraduate Programs, 187 International Class Programs, and 105 Extensions.

Meanwhile, from the graduate class, there were 381 Professional Programs, 305 Specialist and Sub Specialist Programs, 1,543 Magister Program graduates, and 151 Doctoral Program graduates.

The graduates who won the highest and perfect IPK at the graduation with a score of 4 were Dr. Mazytha Kinanti Rachmania, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Dr. Mardiana Purwaningsih from the Faculty of Computer Sciences, and 8 students from the Faculty of Engineering, namely Dr. Moch. Syaiful A. Muhammad Risky Mirwandhana, Ari Trifanli, Felix Larry F Sinaga, Syahril Aditya Ginanjar, Budi Utomo, Muhammad Nizami, and Regina Lionnie.

The graduation ceremony was also symbolically handed over to the Endowment Fund Collection Program of the University of Indonesia. This fund is a contribution from a graduate as a new alumni to UI worth more than one billion.

Funds are obtained through the collection of graduation fees paid by each graduate. Later, these funds will be used to advance UI's alma mater, including providing scholarships for UI students in need.

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