
JAKARTA - Indonesia's position regarding support for Palestine has not changed and is very consistent, despite hosting the U-20 World Football Cup, a spokesman for the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Friday, regarding Israel being one of its participants.

Indonesia will host the U-20 Football World Cup which is planned to be held from May 20 to June 11. The Israel U-20 football National Team (Timnas) will take part in this championship.

"Indonesian hosts at the U-20 World Cup will not shake Indonesia's position against Palestine," said Indonesian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Teuku Faizasyah in a press statement on Friday, March 10.

The result is an international football match, where there is a flag-raising and playing of the national anthem of the national team, what about Israel in the upcoming championship.

"Several technical matters that were previously appointed have been responded to by the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs. I quoted him as having been discussed and prepared for all routes, just wait for it later. So I would like to quote the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs," he explained regarding technical issues.

In a separate confirmation, Teuku Faizasyah said that there had been cross-ministerial and institutional discussions regarding the implementation of the U-20 World Cup led by the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs.

He said that the participation of all teams and rules for the U-20 World Cup was determined by FIFA. And he emphasized that the presence of the Israeli national team did not shake Indonesia's support for Palestine.

"I want to reiterate that Indonesia's position is consistent and will remain consistent," he said.

To note, in the Regulation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia No. 3 of 2019 concerning General Guidelines for Foreign Relations by the Regional Government, Chapter X concerning Special Matters of letter B. RI-Israel Relations, there are a number of provisions.

"Until now, Indonesia has no diplomatic relations with Israel, and opposes Israeli colonialism of the Palestinian territories and people, therefore Indonesia rejects all forms of official relations with Israel," said the Permenlu.

"It is not permitted to raise/use flags, symbols and other attributes as well as the singing of the Israeli national anthem in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia," the Permenlu continued.

"Israel's presence does not have implications for political recognition of Israel," added the Permenlu.

Teuku Faizasyah said, Indonesia is one of the few countries that has consistently supported the Palestinian struggle, and it is appreciated by Palestine.

"Indonesia is one of the few countries that has consistently supported the struggle of the Palestinian people at every opportunity. During the visit of the Palestinian Prime Minister to Indonesia on October 24, 2022, Palestine expressed its appreciation for the high consistency of Indonesia's support for Palestine," he explained.

"Last January, the Indonesian Foreign Minister specifically spoke in front of the UN Security Council and reiterated Indonesia's support for Palestine. During a meeting of the UN Human Rights Council in early March, the issue of Palestine was again raised by the Indonesian Foreign Minister, although not many countries raised the issue. In the meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs (FMM) of the G20, the Minister of Development raised the issue of Palestine," said Teuku Faizasyah.

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