
SENTANI - The Jayapura Regency Government (Pemkab), Papua, explained that approaching the fasting month of Ramadan, the price of chili commodities in the area reached Rp. 80,000 per kilogram.

Head of Marketing and Trade Division (Kabid) at the Jayapura Trade and Cooperative Industry Office (Disperindagkop) Frits N Ansaka said the price of chilies in Jayapura Regency continued to increase from Rp. 35 thousand to Rp. 80 thousand per kilogram.

"The government has taken steps to stabilize chili prices by conducting market operations, low-cost markets, supplying chili commodities from the nearest district and chili planting movement activities," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, March 10.

According to Frits the steps taken by the government aim to stabilize food prices in the region.

"The increase in chili prices has been influenced by extreme weather recently which has made ship carriers of goods from Java experience delays arriving in Jayapura, as well as market demand continues to increase ahead of Ramadan," he said.

He explained that if the freight carrier arrives late, then his party will supply chili commodities from Keerom Regency as the closest supply area.

"There is a chili planting movement by the government, this is also part of a step to stabilize food prices in our district," he said.

He added that in January to February the price of chili in the market was still relatively normal, but entering March the increase began to be felt until it reached the price of RP. 80,000 per kilogram.

"The government will continue to monitor chili prices and food ahead of Ramadan, while taking anticipatory steps if there is a shortage," he said.

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